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N3rdProbl3ms t1_jaa6em9 wrote

Based off the frequently asked questions of the Hollywood Walk of Fame:

People can apply, or nominate a person who fits all 6 minimum requirements. It takes $250 to apply. The application is then reviewed by the HWF committee who meet once a year. They receive between 200-300 applications a year + the nominations. An average of 30 applications/nominations are chosen by the committee. The 30 "winners" are then notified and given 2 years to decide if they accept. If they accept, they must then pay $50K for the creation and installation of the star, the ceremony, and the life maintenance of the star.

A little bit of thought is given into choosing who makes it on the walk...but i think the real question many times has a celebrity applied, or was nominated, before they actually got their Star in? Is there a celeb who applied 5 times till they finally got it on the 6th? I wanna see some stats


RigasTelRuun t1_jaad0rc wrote

What a racket. 75k a year in nominations plus 50k per star. Bet more on licensing the name etc. A committee members probably gets paid more than I make in ten years for maybe a day sitting at a table per year.


barnacledoor t1_jaaqsrb wrote

looks like an average of 20 new stars per year. so, $1m in star fees are collected per year. i wonder how much the whole thing costs per star between the construction and all of the other stuff like media and such. the $75k, that's basically paying one or two people's salary to review those applications (depending on how much they are paid). the application fees seem reasonable, but the $50k per star seems a bit much. i wonder how much they have to pay for the permits and such. i could see the gov't making it expensive.


StrykrVII t1_jab2qdh wrote

And they also have to pay for someone to clean and maintain them, as well. So yeah, it's a little overpriced, but it's not like they are just pocketing ALL the money and bailing. There is more to it than just "pay the money and get a star".