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DiabeticPissingSyrup t1_ja3bz0a wrote

Farnsworth didn't invent the TV - John Logie Baird did.


greed-man t1_ja7j1os wrote

Baird invented one method of television. What is referred to as a mechanical version. It worked.

Farnsworth invented a different method, what is referred to as electronic. The market chose the electronic method. It worked.

Both statements are correct.


DiabeticPissingSyrup t1_ja7jej6 wrote

No they aren't.

That's like saying Dyson invented the vacuum cleaner because they invented a different type of vacuum.

Farnsworth created a better version of TV. He didn't invent TV itself.


greed-man t1_ja7ko02 wrote

I see your point, but put this in context.

Baird invented a TV process that gained very little traction. It absolutely worked, BBC was using it (although receiving sets were far and few between), but BBC gave up on it as newer methods came along. Baird's picture quality was poor (30 lines), and not portable in any way. 99% of the world had no idea that this even existed.

Farnsworth invented the process of electronic TV, along with Zworkin's CRT tube, which had much better picture, was much more portable, and reliable. It became the standard that the world adopted.


[deleted] t1_ja3f9s7 wrote



DiabeticPissingSyrup t1_ja3gxgq wrote

John Logie Baird demonstrated TV in 1926, managed transatlantic TV in 1928, and the BBC were broadcasting TV in 1929.

Farnsworth demonstrated a fully electric TV in 1938.

Baird demonstrated colour TV in 1939.


G1fan t1_ja57ao1 wrote

Americans downvoting you like you aren't right lmao.