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Kawachi18 t1_j8b3myi wrote

There’s a movie called Letters to Juliet that includes this if anyone’s in the mood for watching romance.


teedeeguantru t1_j8bpwjn wrote

Is Romeo just supposed to be okay with all this?


crasspmpmpm t1_j8bqzy2 wrote

lol wtf she must be like a hundred by now


wickethewok t1_j8bsldt wrote

It's like Santa Claus, but if he committed suicide.


hyestepper t1_j8btpdc wrote

See also: Elvis Costello’s The Juliet Letters. Not what you’re expecting from EC.


radio_allah t1_j8c6gxa wrote

The ironic thing here is that there's nothing Italian at all about Romeo and Juliet, or any other 'set in other European cities' characters under Shakespeare. Verona might as well be Newcastle.

It's like how Midsummer Night's Dream had shite all to do with Greece.


Ricktatorship91 t1_j8cbj5c wrote

I don't understand. Why are people writing letters to a fictional character?


jmdg007 t1_j8ciobk wrote

Did they not read the story/watch the play. Juliet's dead


BaylonTheGrey t1_j8ck34b wrote

The original.

The original Romeo and Juliet.

The original Romeo and Juliet...that WASN'T written by William Shakespeare.

In that story...she's 16?

And...and William Shakespeare...rewrote it.

And made her 13?

That's....that's what you're saying?


Dalemaunder t1_j8ckkdq wrote

Thousands of people forgetting Romeo and Juliet isn't a romance, it's a tragedy.


Lookalikemike t1_j8cn8fu wrote

Juliet should ask for money for her sick grandmother.


Kumimono t1_j8cuypn wrote

...did they not watch the whole play? She's dead. 🤔

Well, and fictional, but stil.


ziostraccette t1_j8cx8fn wrote

And I live in Montecchio near Vicenza! There's Romeo's castle and a bunch of other villas from that family!


ziostraccette t1_j8cxnf4 wrote

Yeah the original story is from Luigi Da Porto, and follows Romeo Montecchi and Giulietta Cappelletti and was written in 1530, then it got translated and changed and Shakespeare gets all the credit


EavingO t1_j8cynlr wrote

Return to sender, Addressee dead......


fulthrottlejazzhands t1_j8dhspj wrote

Dear Juliet,

Why you run off with boy from other family? You only 13 and he kill your cousin.


ft907 t1_j8kkz7q wrote

If you've ever sent Santa a letter to the North Pole, there's a good chance it was read by a middle schooler in Interior Alaska. We did not have a cool name.