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SecretAgentIceBat OP t1_ja95cgx wrote

Paywalled, academic source: "It was 1937, a period of massive oppression in the Soviet Union. This occurred in the party ranks, in the army, among scientists, artists, workmen, and peasants. The leader of the first expedition, Professor Zilber, and two of his team members, A.D. Sheboldaeva and T.M. Safonova, were arrested after slanderous denunciation. Zilber and his colleagues were accused of spreading Japanese encephalitis virus under the guise of performing scientific research and of spreading the newly discovered and isolated dangerous virus among military contingents in the Far East and among the inhabitants of Moscow (Kisselev and Levina, 2005). However, the charges were so absurd and Zilber’s innocence was so evident that he was released in 1939. Perhaps, this release occurred because of the arrival of the new leader of repressive measures, Lawrenti Beria, who tried to disguise mass terror by releasing a small number of prisoners (see also Kisselev et al., 1992). It also needs mentioning that Zilber’s followers and his colleagues, as well as the famous writer V. Kaverin and the microbiologist and epidemiologist Zinaida Ermolyeva, who gave the USSR penicillin during World War II, campaigned vigorously for Zilber’s release."


Dawnawaken92 t1_jad6qzm wrote

But why would they frame them at all.


draculthemad t1_jadey6w wrote

The people actually responsible for health and safety needed someone convenient to blame, other than their own failures.

If thousands of soldiers are getting sick from a tick-borne disease, someone has to answer uncomfortable questions about why they are surrounded by rats.

Much easier to blame evil scientists for sabotage.


WiseChoices t1_ja9hvez wrote

This surely falls under

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.

Terrible situation.


AnthillOmbudsman t1_jaa9a5q wrote

It doesn't help that the government at the time was literally a mob of gangsters. They thought nothing of enslaving millions of their own people for free labor.


NicoteachEsMx t1_ja9ff80 wrote

Damned autocracies, the same happened with the COVID doctors who blew the whistle in Wuhan!!


HobgoblinKhanate1 t1_jaaihvo wrote

That’s the most Soviet title ever. I’m surprised they even got released


draculthemad t1_jaasqc5 wrote

Same energy as the people screaming to lock up Dr. Fauci.


gingercomiealt t1_jaac7j8 wrote

Science in the Soviet union was definitely fucky until Stalin died


EdgarAllenPorn t1_jad24zo wrote

Great way to keep all your people from dying of disease is to imprison any who research diseases