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the-magnificunt t1_j9gbnah wrote

There's a recorded case of an orca holding a great white shark upside down FOR 15 MINUTES so it would die, then just eating its liver. This happened near some islands off the coast of California. A bunch of great whites in the area fled, including a tagged great white that immediately dove to 500 meters and swam straight to Hawaii.


supfuh t1_j9gqosq wrote

Upside down shark is a dead shark?


the-magnificunt t1_j9gr2nk wrote

Yep, it puts them into this weird trance and they eventually suffocate.


DanYHKim t1_j9ha6hy wrote

Hey! People do that with chickens before they chop their heads off


ninjasaiyan777 t1_j9hyuke wrote

Except that with chickens all you have to do is hold them still and draw a line right in front of their eyes.


PermanentTrainDamage t1_j9i0clr wrote

Who's wasting time putting a chicken in a trance before killing it? Just snap its neck when you pick it up, quick flick of the wrist is all it takes.

Source: grew up on a farm


ninjasaiyan777 t1_j9i3ord wrote

It's mostly a trick for people who're still getting used to killing livestock. I don't have to use that trick anymore but I had to when I wasn't used to it.

It's also a fun party trick for entertaining city people


DanYHKim t1_j9i31n2 wrote

But you spoil the ritual when you do that!

. . . uh, so I've heard.


ZetzMemp t1_j9k5s7z wrote

Didn’t a captive orca hold a trainer under water as well?


the-magnificunt t1_j9kjv2s wrote

I don't know, but that seems fair.


ZetzMemp t1_j9kk4td wrote

Right, because the trainer captured the whale.


Djidji5739291 t1_ja1xxmm wrote

Huh? They literally ride on their nose, make them do breakdance and other tricks as if they were dogs. The whale was literally abused and took revenge on the trainer. Keeping them captive in a little @ss swimming pool and making them perform tricks while they develop depressions is as bad as capturing an Orca as far as I‘m concerned. Seaworld literally outsources the capture, but they will buy the captured animals, so if only the capture is wrong then Seaworld isn‘t doing anything wrong which is laughable. Go look at the swimming pools they keep half a dozen orcas in.


ZetzMemp t1_ja2y261 wrote

I love how you are trying to justify someone being drug underwater and killed.


Djidji5739291 t1_ja3fqsw wrote

No I‘M not justifying it. The whale was justifying it, showing why she did it, literally reversing the roles of the show while killing the trainer. It was very clear it was revenge and the animal felt abused by the trainer, which is perfectly understandable unless you lack brain cells because humans turn violent when locked in cells, and the little swimming pools they keep these giant orcas in would be the equivalent of being contained in the smallest cell in the world, they get depressed quickly.

If you‘re asking why the animal did it or call it cruel that‘s just stupid, it took a number of years for the animal to flip, it gave us plenty of chances to stop abusing it for our entertainment. It‘s not surprising that an orca attacked a trainer, like I said you need to look at their little @ss swimming pool and realize orcas can and often will swim around the entire earth regularly unless noise pollution is to high. What‘s surprising is that there was only one incident of an orca flipping.