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Djidji5739291 t1_ja1ypku wrote

Because they could? And cats „play“ with mice because they are psychopaths, too. That has got to be one of the most stupid and ridiculous commonly accepted ideas.

Go on, show me how you will teach a young orca or cat how to hunt without ever actually spending any time doing it. And show me how you practice and train your instincts without ever practicing and training. Thanks, bye.

I observed a cat playing with mice, it literally gave the mouse a chance every time and didn‘t bite or scratch it just let it go and recaptured it, giving it a big head start.

And as far as Orcas go, we have absolutely no clue what goes on in their head. But we know they are more emotionally intelligent than us. So maybe there‘s a good reason their hunting tactics seem intentionally cruel sometimes. And when I say maybe I mean most definitely. These animals are more (emotionally) intelligent than us, assuming they do sht not only for no reason but out of cruelty doesn‘t make sense to me at all. That sounds like your dog „knowing“ the mail man is a psychopath because he keeps coming back to your house and leaving his scent in front of your door.

Sorry for the rant. Orcas have never killed humans and will probably save you from drowning, just like dolphins (they are closely related). Magnificent creatures and they probably think we‘re cute, just like Elephants and dogs do.