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palacexero t1_jaac1e2 wrote

How to Become a Saint in Cookery 101:

  1. Be good at cooking and contribute to the culinary world.
  2. Get roasted alive.

SteO153 t1_jabbnkz wrote


iTwango t1_jabntld wrote

I genuinely don't understand the European Catholic obsession with displaying horrifying relics, it's so odd to me


lorens05 t1_jabop80 wrote

I mean, Christianity's symbol is literally a torture device, so it's not much of a logical leap to venerate other torture devices that their saints died in.


iTwango t1_jaboslf wrote

I guess you're right. But I would be equally weirded out to be in the presence of the supposed actual bloody cross of Jesus for example. I went to a church in Belgium that claimed they had a vial with a bloody rag soaked in the actual blood of Jesus. They'd take it out and do a ceremony. That weirded me out too.


whycuthair t1_jabtuca wrote

In some churches they keep relics of saints, that is old and decomposed body parts that once belonged to that "saint" and they pray to those things and kiss them. And they called others pagans man.. That's some vodoo shit right there.


lorens05 t1_jabpurt wrote

Stranger still is we are supposed to take the supposed Jesus relics at face value. I mean, how can we really know if the rag has the actual blood of Jesus?


SterlingArcherTrois t1_jadbsgy wrote

You’re talking about a religion here, blindly believing in insane stories with zero evidence whatsoever is literally a requirement for participation.


Will12239 t1_jadjk0m wrote

Religion was a great way to transition from tribalism to modernism. It melded society into a cohesive unit. A natural phenomena, we would be in the stone age without it. To dismiss it is ignorant.


Hambredd t1_jac9um3 wrote

I mean why? It's a bit of their god from the time he did the thing he's most famous for. It's not they are disrespecting his sacrifice or something


Melodic_Survey_4712 t1_jacscbk wrote

But you could kill a deer, say god lives in its heart, then eat the heart raw out of your hand. They aren’t being disrespectful of the sacrifice but it’s still weird and creepy


100FootWallOfFog t1_jac9t8s wrote

How else are people supposed to know that the Catholics are the victims?


SteO153 t1_jabowi4 wrote

Money. They even digged catacombs and created saints or multiplied body parts. They could attract a lot of pilgrims and make money out of it.


Johnisfaster t1_jaav3tg wrote

Maybe he was high as fuck?


Krunch007 t1_jacgqij wrote

I heard that when you're burned alive, it only hurts for the first 5 minutes or so... Apparently all the nerve endings responsible for feeling heat and pain die out pretty quickly.


LilBitchQueen t1_jad7b76 wrote

The "fuck you" force was strong with this one.


happycharm t1_jadppm8 wrote

Is that a car shaped like a frog being dropped by that bird up there?


dblnegativedare t1_jaedp7h wrote

Screw em if they can’t take a joke, amirite?!