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palacexero t1_jaac1e2 wrote

How to Become a Saint in Cookery 101:

  1. Be good at cooking and contribute to the culinary world.
  2. Get roasted alive.

iTwango t1_jaboslf wrote

I guess you're right. But I would be equally weirded out to be in the presence of the supposed actual bloody cross of Jesus for example. I went to a church in Belgium that claimed they had a vial with a bloody rag soaked in the actual blood of Jesus. They'd take it out and do a ceremony. That weirded me out too.


whycuthair t1_jabtuca wrote

In some churches they keep relics of saints, that is old and decomposed body parts that once belonged to that "saint" and they pray to those things and kiss them. And they called others pagans man.. That's some vodoo shit right there.


happycharm t1_jadppm8 wrote

Is that a car shaped like a frog being dropped by that bird up there?