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liquid_cat_juice t1_j8qquh6 wrote

It's also called cashew in English because the fruit is called caju natively!

we call the nut "castanha de caju" because it is the "nut of the caju" fruit

hope that clears up even more!


fairygodmotherfckr t1_j8qzg7r wrote

Have you eaten a cashew apple?

...I get FOMO when it comes to exotic fruits, because there is no way I'm ever going to eat anything like a cashew apple in Northern Europe.


5up3rj t1_j8r9mu6 wrote

If you get across the pond, you should try pawpaws


fairygodmotherfckr t1_j8reure wrote

I love custard apples! And starfruit... I can't imagine the fruits I'll never try, though. Eating a new fruit is something that cannot be simulated.


muffinhead2580 t1_j8t4t92 wrote

Pawpaws are the absolute best. I live in WV and they are extremely prevalent here. So when my wife and I go on hikes I take a backpack and just pick them when they are ripe. So good.


5up3rj t1_j8tcnst wrote

And it's just interesting to eat something wild, that wasn't cultivated and modified by humans


muffinhead2580 t1_j8tdhqf wrote

There are farmers working on them through cross pollination to get a better shelf life and smaller seeds. Those are the only reason they aren't sold in grocery stores.