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yesmaybeyes t1_j8qpxq8 wrote

I do not think I have ever seen a cashew apple.


FormalRaccoon637 t1_j8rcgyi wrote

If you’re in a tropical country where cashews are cultivated, the cashew apple’s available in late spring (April here)


ctothel t1_j8rgn9a wrote

What do they taste like?


wolf8808 t1_j8rk9a4 wrote

Not really great to be honest. I once did the mistake of biting into both the cashew apple and the cover of the cashew seed (big no no), my gums started bleeding. That stuff is nasty.


[deleted] t1_j8rs7i3 wrote

Aren't raw cashews like poison?


unusedusername3 t1_j8s1x5b wrote


weaselmaster t1_j8soygl wrote

OMG - who wrote this? An excellent snippet:

“The raw cashews are then roasted at high heat, either by steaming them in a large rotating drum or vat of boiling oil to remove urushiol remnants before they can be shelled, thoroughly dried, and peeled.”

So, they’re ROASTED by STEAMING them in BOILING OIL.


Santuse t1_j8ss1cf wrote

Wow, what a dog shit sentence. Makes me weary of AI continuing to takeover content creation and creating a giant web of self-referencing garbage. That has to be a computer...


1nquiringMinds t1_j8stccs wrote


Wary, or leery. Weary means tired.


greendart t1_j8tp52b wrote

weary still plays in this context. It can be used as a verb as well as an adjective, in this case to indicate the op is tired of AI creating content


loskaos t1_j8s7gn0 wrote

its sweet and very refreshing to eat with salt. The liquid will stain your clothes, so dont wear anything fancy!


FormalRaccoon637 t1_j8s8ahb wrote

Delicious! I grew up eating this since my grandpa was a farmer. It’s juicy and sweet. There’s even an alcoholic drink made from the cashew apple.


happyklam t1_j8secj1 wrote

When I went on a tour in Belize they said it makes a great wine that re-ferments in your stomach so you get drunk twice. Pretty wild concept and surprised it's not sold/produced much outside of Central America.


loskaos t1_j8skbes wrote

its spoils too fast, cant be exported.


Dr_Weirdo t1_j8syv9i wrote

Is the alcoholic drink like a cider or more like wine?


FormalRaccoon637 t1_j8t1bta wrote

It’s a triple distilled spirit (45% abv)

ETA: I think it’s called Feni. I tasted it once at my dad’s friend’s wedding. It was sweet-ish, kinda like Malibu.


Excellent_Taste4941 t1_j8srbqo wrote

It is one of the few fruits that taste basic as in the opposite of acidic


copypaasta t1_j8thdxk wrote

Thanks for clarifying it lol. I was gonna come down hard on ya since I have fond childhood memories of munching on freshly picked cashew apples.


To_a_Green_Thought t1_j8s0az9 wrote

I used to live in Central America, and they make a drink out of the juice. It kinda cashew? Not that great, honestly, and I was allergic to it, so it wasn't a good experience.


loskaos t1_j8sk7qz wrote

The Juice is just disgusting, the smell and that feeling it leaves in your throat ugh. I think if someone has the chance to try the fruit they could like it, but its never going to be something that you will ever miss.


drottkvaett t1_j8sohm3 wrote

It’s about as sweet as a watermelon and has a tropical taste. If you’ve had Five Alive, it tastes almost like that. The juice is great with cachaça or vodka and a little salt. Just make sure it’s ripe.


camshas t1_j8rhhkb wrote

Like a cashew and an apple had sex and came in your mouth


SpectralOperator t1_j8rz1os wrote

You might be able to find feni, which is an Indian liquor made by fermenting them.


Colon t1_j8sza00 wrote

this is the comment i was looking for. definitely wanna try cashew booze


bkornblith t1_j8rw2np wrote

Sadly cashew apples are not that tasty imho


jacdelad t1_j8t1abw wrote

I heard it's quite tasty, but there's no sense in shipping it it other countries because it spoils really fast. Never ate one though.


Flounder4life t1_j8swcyp wrote

I’ve been in Southeast Asia for the last four months. Saw lots of them in Thailand.


DearFeralRural t1_j8qrs2a wrote

Dont open the seed pod that the cashew is in. Its surrounded by toxic caustic substances. I chuck mine in an old metal wheelbarrow and burn the cover off.


ComprehensiveFlan638 t1_j8qt5lu wrote

Makes you wonder how desperate the first person was who finally discovered a safe way to way to eat the nut.


DearFeralRural t1_j8qv05t wrote

Like who decided to eat what came out of a chickens bum. Lol


[deleted] t1_j8rsh5m wrote

Eggs have been eaten by predators for millions, perhaps billions of years. They aren't exactly uncommon


QuickToJudgeYou t1_j8ri2ip wrote

Probably observed other animals eating eggs and went for it.


walruskingmike t1_j8t3vqo wrote

That's assuming that humanity's ancestors didn't already eat them.


QuickToJudgeYou t1_j8t4b8e wrote

Well at one point I would think the cognitive level of humans got the point of "should I eat that?" And they would question what they have done in the past.


walruskingmike t1_j8t5eua wrote

Well sure. That's what we're doing right now. There just may not have been one person who went "I'm gonna try that egg thing" for the first time.


HunterKiller_ t1_j8v5wim wrote

I was so puzzled for a second coz I thought you meant chicken shit lmao


neelankatan t1_j8yq1wo wrote

I bet someone tried that to at some point but it didn't quite catch on


crambree t1_j938a6g wrote

A lot of animals eat the eggs of their pray. No doubt human animals saw that and copied. Then decided to heat it up like we did with other animal products.


nerdychick22 t1_j8s90ii wrote

Probably a similar storry with making ackee edible in Jamaica (not ripe is somewhat poisonus). If you have a whole lot of something you start wondering how it can be used or changed to be useable, and people start experimenting.


Banjo_Pobblebonk t1_j8zm9b5 wrote

Reminds me of how blackbean and burrawang seeds used to be a staple food along the east coast of Australia, despite the fact that when improperly processed they're loaded with neurotoxins.


bparry1192 t1_j8ury2b wrote

For me it's the relatively complex to make foods like cheese, wine, soy sauce how the fuck did peeps invent these 17 step processes to make food, while their 11 children all have some disease that could be solved by hand washing


Excellent_Taste4941 t1_j8sribu wrote

Probably found the thing popped up in the fire after he tossed what was left of the fruit he just ate


shillyshally t1_j8qn88r wrote

Here's an even better bit - cashews are closely related to poison ivy and, if improperly cleaned cashews are consumed, you can come down with what is essentially an internal poison ivy-like condition.

Source - been there, done that.


liquid_cat_juice t1_j8qquh6 wrote

It's also called cashew in English because the fruit is called caju natively!

we call the nut "castanha de caju" because it is the "nut of the caju" fruit

hope that clears up even more!


fairygodmotherfckr t1_j8qzg7r wrote

Have you eaten a cashew apple?

...I get FOMO when it comes to exotic fruits, because there is no way I'm ever going to eat anything like a cashew apple in Northern Europe.


5up3rj t1_j8r9mu6 wrote

If you get across the pond, you should try pawpaws


fairygodmotherfckr t1_j8reure wrote

I love custard apples! And starfruit... I can't imagine the fruits I'll never try, though. Eating a new fruit is something that cannot be simulated.


muffinhead2580 t1_j8t4t92 wrote

Pawpaws are the absolute best. I live in WV and they are extremely prevalent here. So when my wife and I go on hikes I take a backpack and just pick them when they are ripe. So good.


5up3rj t1_j8tcnst wrote

And it's just interesting to eat something wild, that wasn't cultivated and modified by humans


muffinhead2580 t1_j8tdhqf wrote

There are farmers working on them through cross pollination to get a better shelf life and smaller seeds. Those are the only reason they aren't sold in grocery stores.


Wundei t1_j8qodth wrote

I get full body hives if I eat cashews. It’s my main allergy, with green peas being a mild nuisance.


[deleted] t1_j8qowpo wrote



[deleted] t1_j8rsbu5 wrote

Sounds like you're a hypochondriac


HowdieHighHowdieHoe t1_j8thimm wrote

No it’s a thing. I developed a latex allergy and I had to give up any foods that contain natural latex like bananas (turns out they’re not supposed to burn the roof of your mouth), and I’m supposed to go easy stuff like a avocados. If I eat them regularly it could slowly make my allergy worse, same with coming into contact with latex products.

Sometimes it’s not the FRUIT you’re allergic to, but a COMPOUND inside the fruit.


akoaytao1234 t1_j8qvh42 wrote

Another funfact: In the Philippines, Cashew Extract is used to remove moles and Warts


FormalRaccoon637 t1_j8rcdl7 wrote

My grandpa used to roast the whole seed casing, break them open to get to the nut, and roast the nuts before giving them to me. I didn’t understand the reason he gave due to language barriers, but understood it after reading your comment.


Noneerror t1_j8uvfak wrote

Huh. Interesting. I'm immune to poison ivy. And cashews do a lot to help me with my chronic stomach problems. I wonder if it's related. Where I'm not getting enough poison in my diet.


BrokenEye3 t1_j8qyvgr wrote

Cashews are seeds. Almonds are pits. Peanuts are legumes. I'm starting to wonder if the only real nuts in the world are those of the deez tree.


FlyingWeagle t1_j8set8e wrote

Hazelnuts are about the only commonly consumed nut that is botanically considered a nut.


Wolpfack t1_j8tbw7f wrote

What about walnuts?


FlyingWeagle t1_j8tusz8 wrote

Drupes, like peaches.

Don't go eating the nut in a peach or nectarine though, full of cyanide.


Ultimarad t1_j8qqzgm wrote

Did you know that cashews cashews come from a fruit?


5up3rj t1_j8r920s wrote

Years ago, I showed that to my toddler, and he loved it. The next day, my wife texted me at work that the baby was doing something weird.

He's singing a song, over and over. I cant quite make it out, but I'd swear he's saying that cashews come from a fruit


HeliumIsotope t1_j8rj72a wrote

Serious question, what is this post supposed to accomplish? Is it a troll? Did you mis read the title? Did you think you were helping somehow?

Because the post is literally about how cashews come from the fruit of a cashew tree. So what is posting the phrase "Did you know that cashews come from a fruit" as the entirety of your response to OP supposed to accomplish? I don't follow the logic here.


psychicpilot t1_j8rmyv0 wrote

It's a reference to this -


HeliumIsotope t1_j8rr2ui wrote

Ok. Thank you. I felt like I was probably missing something which is why I asked.

More downvotes than comments is what I expect from Reddit lol, so I appreciate you actually giving me an answer.


gheebutersnaps87 t1_j8yb393 wrote

Downvotes are probably because of how aggressive your comment sounds


HeliumIsotope t1_j8ycgel wrote

Probably. Was hoping that the "serious question" part would make people understand that I was genuinely asking haha.

Not a big deal though, in the end I got a good answer and that's all that matters. No offense was intended, the person I responded to never let me know they found my comment rude or aggressive and I got a real answer. That's about as good as it gets sometimes.

I can come off as rough, but I'm always genuine and take feedback when the person I respond to has a problem. I can't let random people with no stake in the Convo get me down. If they want to downvote to teach me a lesson, so be it lol. Only way to change is to discuss in a respectful way, if they can't do that I won't be bothered and I'll just laugh it off.


Bryndonk t1_j8t9kz3 wrote

Cashews, cashews, f-f-f-fruit Did you know that?


Gilgie t1_j8qq8qs wrote

So what does the cashew fruit taste like? Is it edible?


FormalRaccoon637 t1_j8rbyqp wrote

It’s juicy and sweet. It has a short season (April in my country), and I look forward to eating the ones from my uncle’s farm.


Sir-Viette t1_j8rbv6n wrote

I had cashew fruit juice once. It tasted a bit like mango juice. (Although it may have been blended with other juices.)


kerfitten1234 t1_j8rfy51 wrote

It literally says it's edible in the title of the post.


Gilgie t1_j8uiqoy wrote

I was looking for a judgment on edible rather than a literal "can it be eaten"


linatet t1_j8s1y8w wrote

In my country the juice is pretty popular, its good!!


timtomtommytom t1_j8s29h5 wrote

The people that harvest them often have permanently damaged hands from the poison on them.


lurklurklurkPOST t1_j8qp8ea wrote

Well it would be weird if the fruit belonged to some other tree and it was growing in a cashew tree


akoaytao1234 t1_j8qv37q wrote

those things stings so hard too if handled fresh lol.


dchallenge t1_j8rti36 wrote

It tastes like an unripe apple. Or maybe the one I had wasn’t ripe.;


Wolpfack t1_j8ta7go wrote

Unripe apple with a bit of green persimmon mixed in. At least the one I tried.


Nairbfs79 t1_j8stmx3 wrote

We drink ALOT of the juice in Brasil. It's Caju.


AngryRinger t1_j8uvwgi wrote

D-d-d-did you know that cashews come from a fruit? What?! -Tobuscus


rks404 t1_j8rm0a4 wrote

read the article and just discovered cashews are native to South America. Were they part of the Columbian Exchange?


vashtachordata t1_j8s70g5 wrote

Looked this up a few days ago after watching the sesame steer episode where the show the cashew farm.


Excellent_Taste4941 t1_j8srxkj wrote

Native people in South America used to migrate and fight wars all because of cashews, their season is in summer, december, january


sb_747 t1_j8t3iza wrote

Do you work at my office? Because I just explained this to 5 people this morning


zerodivzero t1_j8t5c2t wrote

Called Caju in Brazil and it's more like a bell pepper than an apple. I've seen people eat them raw right off the tree. Locals pile them up and burn them by the side of the road the extract the nut inside. The flesh is delicious when squeezed into a juice.


Dangeresque2015 t1_j8tiotl wrote

Sorry, you can't talk me out of loving cashews. It'll take a severe beating.


TowerAZ t1_j94ko0l wrote

What is the fruit then called? Like is the fruit called a cashew?


JaiC t1_j8qrtnx wrote

Thanks for ruining Milo Murphy's Law, you monster.