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twalker294 t1_jaawh6e wrote

Why do you say this? She was 23 when they got married. Is there evidence that he "groomed" her or are you just talking out your ass for fake internet points?

If there is evidence, ignore that last talking out your ass part...


thelibrariangirl t1_jaaxao6 wrote

He met her when she was 12 and was her teacher. Had authority over her all those years then married her.


krba201076 t1_jab0y0e wrote

pretty much. he was just waiting for her to get "grown" on paper before he officially started fucking her. IMO it is kind of sinister lurking around in the shadows until someone gets legal on paper or grows tits. Just date someone your own age and stop acting like people your own age aren't good enough for you.


twalker294 t1_jabhoqh wrote

So it's fair to just assume that someone did something horrible like that without a shred of evidence other than "well that's probably what he did." I hope you're never on a jury.


thelibrariangirl t1_jac9rjw wrote

lol. The evidence is that he met her when she was 12.

Hope you’re never around preteens.


Moody_GenX t1_jaaxll4 wrote

He was 37 when he began teaching her. It's not a far reach to make that assumption. Also, with the exception of his first wife, he was much older than his other 3 wives.


krba201076 t1_jab14mx wrote

I bet money he groomed her. The R Kelly of the 50s.


twalker294 t1_jabhhc3 wrote

OK, so assuming just as I thought.


Moody_GenX t1_jachs5i wrote

I wasn't the person you originally replied to and I gave context to why someone might think that. 3 red flags for a groomer.