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McMacHack t1_j9x43wa wrote

We didn't raise pussies in the 80's now go get me another PBR while I light this cigarette with my last cigarette. Now go play with your Robocop toys in your pajamas that will melt to your skin if there is a fire.


jaimonee t1_j9x62v9 wrote

But how can you light that cigarette without sending your 7 year old to pick up another pack of camel lights at the variety store and telling them they can spend the change on Spider-Man comics??


samuellbroncowitz t1_j9xc6ex wrote

I remember going to the local 7-11 with my neighbor to get smokes and beer for his mom with a note saying it was OK. The clerk would happily send us on our way with a pack of Camels and a six pack of bud, no questions asked.


McMacHack t1_j9x9w9o wrote

Well then you just hit them until they figure it out. Now let's all crack open some yellow bellies around this 1 year old's birthday cake.


LorenzoStomp t1_j9yqnvo wrote

"Shit, where's my lighter? Don't blow those candles out yet, Timmy!"


McMacHack t1_j9yru9n wrote

There is nothing more 80's than lighting a cigarette off of your kids birthday candle


shalafi71 t1_j9xhos0 wrote

> pajamas that will melt to your skin

You must have been there in the day. Hung my footies on the wall-unit bathroom heater after The Muppet Show. It was Sunday night, I had to shower!

Dripping plastic and black smoke.


LieutenantNitwit t1_ja0batc wrote

My transformers toys were made of metal.

And I turned out...what was the question again?


McMacHack t1_ja0iyjn wrote

Made in America covered in Lead Paint with lead mined straight from US soil.