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shalafi71 t1_jaar9sy wrote

Ah! Makes more sense. But I see Disney simply telling stories that resonate with children, making 'em money. Every example you give is a child's power trip fantasy. "Yeah! I could do that thing!" Got any kids around? They're dumber than rocks when it comes to nuance; They're not reading life lessons into a cartoon.

Do you honestly see Disney having some sort of moral agenda? Reddit tells me all corporations are mindless money-making machines with no morals.

If you state that Disney does have some sort of agenda, especially a liberal one, why aren't they publicly dropping the hammer on DeSantis for his shenanigans? (May be getting far off track here, especially if you're not up-to-date on the story.)


Cute_Consideration38 t1_jab2tlw wrote

The moral agenda is, I admit, an illusion as everyone knows their agenda is profit based. But in an effort to maximize profit they cater to the child's disdain for rules and authority. Kids want to see examples of how it's possible to do bad things but still be liked, loved, and get everything that they want.

I mean if Aladdin got caught doing 90 percent of the things he does, during the era that is suggested, he would have a knife plunged into his abdomen and then he would pathetically bleed out on the cobblestone as wild dogs fight over his fingers. No ambulance, no lenient judges if you survive the stabbing, no investigation into your murder if you don't survive it. But that wouldn't make a good movie for babysitting, soooo....