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-domi- t1_j81nsw6 wrote

Lmao, won't you ever stop crying. Never did i double down. I didn't in fact single down, either. Whatever dipshittery goes on in your skull that's convinced you that i had an issue with the title - i never did. I just asked, politely, for someone to expand on it. And wouldn't you know it - someone fucking did. That was before you got upset by the fact that i asked a question and someone answered it. You soppy cunt haven't stopped whinging about it ever since.

Also, i dunno why you're lying to yourself as much as you do, but it's pretty obvious that you have some issues going on, so i guess i won't bother talking you out of it. It's not like you're capable of considering new information anyway. xD

Do the grass thing, though, for real.


Delini t1_j81osg1 wrote

You really need to think up some better insults if you’re goal here is to make me cry.

Try something creative. Like if I said “it’s like I’m have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent” try a witty comeback rather than just use the last insult your mom called you.


-domi- t1_j81q2lt wrote

Karen, you've spent your whole day arguing over how something which very clearly worked doesn't work. xD


Delini t1_j81u7vn wrote

You might take all day to type out a handful of messages, but you’re a special case. Most people only take a few seconds.

Maybe using a bib or something to keep the drool from getting in the keyboard will help.