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xiaxian1 t1_jadmh16 wrote

Such a weird story. Lots of corporate proof of the hot Cheetos being produced and marketed before the janitor guy says he created them. But he still swears he made them.

He made lots of money (and a movie!) off of this rags to riches story but it’s fake. And Frito didn’t care to correct him?

I feel bad for the original team who did the hard work and he’s enjoying the benefits.


katievspredator t1_jadp40p wrote

It's weird to me because it's almost the story of how Doritos were invented (a guy working at Frontierland in Disneyland made them from day old tortillas)


DaveOJ12 t1_jadzlyz wrote

Is that one true?


katievspredator t1_jaenka3 wrote

Apparently. It's similar to how the Egg McMuffin was invented. A Tex Mex restaurant in Frontierland added them to the menu after someone suggested they fry and season the leftover tortillas instead of throwing them out. Fritos didn't find out about them until a few years later, and then they started mass producing them when they realized how popular they were

At least that's the story, I'm not a Frito Lay historian


DaveOJ12 t1_jaepzms wrote


Time to find out how the Egg McMuffin was invented.

(How deep does this rabbit hole go?)


ChargedMedal t1_jaew0aa wrote

It's similar to how Doritos were invented. A breakfast restaurant in Frontierland added them to the menu after someone suggested they slice and use as buns the leftover english muffins instead of throwing them out. McDonald's didn't find out about them until a few years later, and then they started mass producing them when they realized how popular they were

At least that's the story, I'm not a McDonald's historian.


Lou_Mannati t1_jaew586 wrote

Some guy threw ham , egg and cheese on a muffin. Boom. Invented.


Reefer-eyed_Beans t1_jae5abz wrote

What's weird about that? Did that turn out to be bs too? ...What's the connection? Are you saying he heard about that and plagiarized the story?


katievspredator t1_jaen3nw wrote

They're making a movie about this guy like it's an original story, but the Doritos thing happened in the 60s and is a well known true story. Has there been an inspirational movie made about the discovery of Doritos?


misogichan t1_jae594y wrote

Guess we know why Montañez, the former janitor, made it all the way to being a marketing executive. And why others like Lynne Greenfield, who was part or the team that did create it, didn't rise as high up the corporate ladder.


gang_aft_agley t1_jaeo2qj wrote

If you were Frito-Lay, and one of your employees wrote a book that became popular about how he invented a product while he was a janitor, and because of the book, your sales of that product increased, maybe you wouldn’t care to correct the story?