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morerubberstamps OP t1_jea2nd1 wrote

This led researchers to publish a tongue-in-cheek study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, which concluded that these repeated blows to the head contributed to his short stature:

>It appears that his perennially prepubescent look is due to a growth-hormone deficiency and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, conditions likely brought on by repeated blows to the head.

>"We believe that the multiple traumas Tintin sustained could be the first case of traumatic pituitary injury described in the literature," said Claude Cyr, an associate professor of medicine at the Université de Sherbrooke in Sherbrooke, Que."


DavoTB t1_jea34y8 wrote

It goes without saying that these repeated brain injuries caused long-term effects…


saliczar t1_jeaau94 wrote

I've had 27 concussions (various reasons), and my short-term memory is shit, but other than that, no lasting issues (so far).


marmorset t1_jeacbn1 wrote

Do you ever think maybe you're not making the best life choices?


saliczar t1_jeahe1x wrote

I did a lot of drugs and extreme sports in my teenage years, plus several freak accidents. My life is awesome now, and I'm extremely happy with how everything turned out, so I wouldn't take any of it back.


SeiCalros t1_jebcmz7 wrote

what if you were just taking back the concussions


saliczar t1_jebd12y wrote

My life would be different, and I don't want anything to change what I have going for me now.


SeiCalros t1_jebee8h wrote

i think thats just the concussions talking


buckaroob88 t1_jebqwqf wrote

I just heard about this today too listening to an older episode of No Such Thing as a Fish.


WilcoHistBuff t1_jea65xm wrote

How about Snowy/Milou! Not many fox terriers live 50+ years through multiple attacks, capture, and a serious alcohol and bone habit.


getbeaverootnabooteh t1_jeagvml wrote

Maybe Tintin just kept buying new identical-looking fox terriers and naming them Snowy/Milou, just like the Simpson family's Snowball cats numbers I to V.


WilcoHistBuff t1_jeaimga wrote

That would explain his move from dark cynic to happy go lucky over the years.

But I prefer to think of him as eternal.


plague042 t1_jea66qg wrote

I'd want to know how many times Penny from Inspector Gadget got chloroform'd. Can't be good for the health.


Richard_A_Smasher t1_jeacf7b wrote

First hit put him in a vegetative state where he dreamed the rest of the adventures.


BiBoFieTo t1_jeab70g wrote

The Adventures of TBI-TBI.


leadchipmunk t1_jead001 wrote

We must have different definitions of "countless." If he was knocked unconscious 43 times, it can't be more than 43. With the other examples listed, we are down to 35 punches at most. That sounds pretty countable to me.


morerubberstamps OP t1_jeafaq9 wrote

Nope, countless. Just unending punches. Just when you think Tintin is done getting punched - Bam! another punch.

And don't get me started on the clubs.


AgentElman t1_jea2mr9 wrote

does he need a psychologist or a sychologist?


OffKira t1_jeavict wrote

A giant apple really is the best weapon lol


OldMork t1_jeacgx8 wrote

still today great books, there are even a few inofficial.


LogicIsDead22 t1_jeawh6w wrote

Ahh so it’s brain damage. I always assumed he was just speaking French.


washoutr6 t1_jebq85w wrote

This trope is so bad that I just can't read books regardless of genre if anyone is kidnapped. It's so tired and trite. Also who the hell gets kidnapped more than once.


KDM_Racing t1_jecihzy wrote

I am amazed the Hardy Boys can tye their own shoes let alone solve mysterys with all the head trauma they have endured


imapassenger1 t1_jed7i35 wrote

The Hardy Boys would top that, being knocked out every book and there were LOTS of books. "With a cry, Joe sank to the ground...unconscious!"


Glad-Engineering-180 t1_jedrp2g wrote

lol i remember reading it as a kid thinking “it can’t be that easy to knock someone out now can it”


grat_is_not_nice t1_jedx0ba wrote

I never figured out how Captain Haddock didn't suffer from thiamine deficiency, cirrhosis, ascites, portal hypertension or seizures while also suffering from his regular bouts of delirium tremens.


dark_hypernova t1_jee1mgp wrote

Does this include the chloroform knockouts he got once or twice?

Or that time he passed out by massive g forces from being launched to the moon?


morerubberstamps OP t1_jeejste wrote

Yes for the former. >Tintin was choked, thrown down stairs, tossed from a train, poisoned with chloroform, mauled by a lion, shot and hurled a great distance by an explosion, events that may have also caused neurological damage.


POO7 t1_jeep0s9 wrote

Definitely something I've thought about while watching more tin tin with my little boy over the past few months.

Given how often he is knocked out...he is the absolute champion of recovery from being concussed.


morerubberstamps OP t1_jeerx9x wrote

The tv series was definitely on my regular rotation of Saturday afternoon watching.


Scat_fiend t1_jeciso8 wrote

Countless??? I bet you could really count them all if you tried hard enough.
