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Girly_Shrieks t1_je8yhwy wrote

Or you could just not do that. It doesn't hurt anything to not mow. You know, the way nature was before we decided as a species we need the grass to be a few inches tall.

You're choosing to do this.


sam_hammich t1_je908wx wrote

In several areas it's illegal (or otherwise against civil code or other applicable bylaws) to not mow your lawn, you know. There are any number of reasons a person, with acreage or not, would need to mow their lawn.

You should really lose the sanctimonious tone.


TheRealGunn t1_je9zqiy wrote

Aside from that, letting your yard grow rampant is bad for plenty of other reasons.

Anyone suggesting people shouldn't mow just because of rabbits must live in a concrete hell and have never actually had a yard.

If you don't keep the yard under control you'll have so many more problems. Bugs will be out of control, including ticks, meaning you can't let your kids play outside.

Rodents will run wild, and you eventually end up with mice and rats all over your house.

Guess what comes along with rodents (and bunnies for that matter). Snakes.

Not mowing a lawn is a huge safety and health hazard.

Which is exactly why mowing is required in most places.


henryjonesjr83 t1_je9dpo3 wrote

I'm assuming you don't own property.

I am required to mow under threat of fines and civil action.


The_Ghost_Dragon t1_jeabp9p wrote

Actually, you make a good point. We wouldn't need to mow if we had ground cover (like red clover, moss, etc) instead of grass.


tiredsleepyexhausted t1_je98u1u wrote

Fucking people and their plots of mutilated nature. Don't know how anyone enjoys having a lawn. I fucking hate it. I hate it when my boyfriend mows, I hate having a mowed lawn, I hate having short, ugly, mostly dead grass simply because of where we fucking live

I would agree with you 100% but this person is likely just following the law in their area and might not be able to afford to move anywhere else, like us.

Don't blame one individual for following the rules that a fucked up society has put in place. They aren't necessarily choosing to do anything.
