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Narrow_Assumption_25 t1_jaqyysi wrote

This is absolute insanity. The device you typed your rant on is the result of billions of people coalescing into societies across human history, being able to support each other and focus on progress, rather than worrying whether they can hunt or gather food to eat that day.


SCWarriors44 t1_jav5hgj wrote

Right…the device I’m typing on was created by people who didn’t want to accept shitty situations so they made a better one. I mean most our tech giants today literally started out in garages with nothing. They pulled themselves up and made things better for everyone while everyone else was complaining, doing nothing, or didn’t even know any better to know things weren’t as good as they could be.

I don’t know maybe you’re a marvel fan. Literally every hero story in the MCU has been someone being in a shitty situation and then pulling themselves up by the bootstraps to get out of it. They made things better for themselves and then eventually for others. That’s why they’re hero’s.