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stay_fr0sty t1_jedf9z6 wrote

I'm old. I played it. It wasn't great. It was whatever.

The take away is we always see our idol's successful creations, and we want to do "that."

We rarely think about all of the failed startups that some smart person had to take loss after loss on before they made it big, the 100 songs someone wrote before having a single reach 88 in the top 100, the terrible performances on stage or in movies that an actor suffers before landing a big role, the number of humiliating rejections a girl/guy got before landing that hottie bf/gf, the living in bed bug infested apartments for years while making no income while building a fanbase through touring.

Carmack is a legend. He started out as a average. I just want people to realize that your 1st, 2nd, or 20th idea might not be the one that makes you money. Just keep trying as long as you can stand it and you won't regret it (even if you fail over and over and over and never succeed), very few people regret believing in themselves and chasing their dream.


leakyfaucet3 t1_jeesl4k wrote

This is all a good point, but for perspective on Carmack, he started out YOUNG. He was creating successful, quality games by the time he was 19. I would say that qualifies as "starting out" much much better than average.