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AudibleNod t1_jdzvwd9 wrote

Didn't the Ancient Greeks do the same thing with some Olympian athletes?


sadorna1 t1_je00vq5 wrote

Hercules as an excellent example Achilles Pretty much any of the half-gods really


machina99 t1_je029j5 wrote

I'd hesitate to say any of the half gods just because Zeus got around so much, but certainly more than half. The rest tend to end up as constellations


that_baddest_dude t1_je0uxyz wrote

Zeus getting around so much could also be a retcon. See Hercules.


Animeninja2020 t1_je2bev9 wrote

So if someone is worshipped in Ancient Greece, you could just claim that Zeus was the daddy.

That is a great loophole for the priesthood to use.

"No, he was not a normal name, he was the son of Zeus"


Weysting t1_je2r0xi wrote

need that pic of the astronaut meme

“wait they’re all sons of zeus ?”

points gun

“always have been”


Repulsive_Hour_4559 t1_je1v3uu wrote

Popular belief driving an official response is pretty much the system that drives many aspects of religious doctrine


JumpyDelivery3079 t1_je16qfo wrote

The Chinese case is very informal and relies solely on popular praise for a dead person. Plus you become a fully developed god.


sadorna1 t1_je1cept wrote

Yes obviously this throw a bit of a loophole in, but the overall premise remains the same. Wherein communities celebrating an individual within that community leads to a revered status akin to god-hood for the individual whether it be before or after their death.


Astalon18 t1_je2efgs wrote

Chinese it has to be after death.

Also the Taoist and Confucian clergy will not acknowledge people who had led horrible lives or caused more harm than good. There is one person who some people alleges is now a God who has not been elevated at all ( after all how can a person who caused the Cultural Revolution be elevated ).

Genghis Khan is also not elevated for the same reason, as is Qin Shih Huang.

This is despite people actually reporting supernatural interventions. Some beings are simply never acknowledged.


NovelCandid t1_je319db wrote

Is the approval by a formal council or does a thought leader just refer to the deceased as divine and it becomes generally accepted?


semiomni t1_je0zsh3 wrote

Those guys were born half gods and stayed half god though.


Kitselena t1_je198mb wrote

In the stories. It's not unlikely that those stories were based on regular people who did incredible things in their lives, and were remembered as demigods after their deaths like the post says


obliqueoubliette t1_je1juys wrote

Theseus and Hercules were real people. They probably didn't go by those names, and definitely didn't fight off Minotaurs and Demons, but there are key historical events that definitely happened that are attributed to the demi-gods.

Whichever Mycenean King unified the five cities of Attica into Athens is Theseus. Whichever Mycenean King of this unified Athens reversed the Minoan hegemony (from paying tribute to Crete to receiving tribute from Crete) is also Theseus. They might even be the same guy.


semiomni t1_je19xkw wrote

What do you mean "not unlikely"? What would you base that likelihood on?


Kitselena t1_je1bb78 wrote

Nothing, I haven't researched Greek archeology but I know these stories are usually word of mouth things passed down and embellished over generations. It's pretty safe to assume that gods didn't actually exist back then but these stories must have had some origin so I think it's reasonable to assume they're at least loosely based on real people


semiomni t1_je1bmpn wrote

>It's pretty safe to assume that gods didn't actually exist back then but these stories must have had some origin

Right that makes sense, wonder who the real Batman is, think he lives in New York with Superman?


Kitselena t1_je1cegv wrote

Fair enough, but even completely fictional characters are based on the author's experiences and previous literature (which there wasn't much of at the time and even what did exist wasn't very accessible due to literacy rates). This can go back and forth forever and unless a Greek history scholar comes in idk if there's gonna be a real answer, I was just proposing one possiblity


semiomni t1_je1degd wrote

>but even completely fictional characters are based

Come the hell on.


Ok_Sir5926 t1_je1isih wrote

Your adamant opposition to their claim is just as evidence based as the claim itself.


semiomni t1_je1vjpf wrote

You're supporting my position, you just don't understand what you're saying.


lordtrickster t1_je1yset wrote

Given that basically all fiction is a mix of the experiences of the author and older fiction, both embellished, yeah, pretty much. Science fiction adds on embellished scientific theories.

Sure, there's imagination at play, but that's generally sourced from centuries of embellishments.

The 13th Warrior (movie) is a decent random example of where these sorts of things can come from. The grendel were dudes in bear hides and the firewyrm was just a column of riders with torches snaking in from the distance. As long as they kept winning, the truth would never get out.


semiomni t1_je1zp2r wrote

Yeah yeah I get it, if you stretch your imagination enough you can't ever be wrong.

But gosh maybe this post about a Confucian/Taoist practice does not really say anything at all about Greek practices.


lordtrickster t1_je20bzm wrote

Perhaps. I don't really see a difference between this and the Greeks, or even the Catholics and their saints. People decide a person is extra awesome and designate them as such.


conquer69 t1_je1nxhq wrote

It's also likely it is fanfiction that was later added to the canon. Back then even the concept of fiction wasn't fully understood.


Designer-Arugula-419 t1_je02bdw wrote

Modern people do it with fame. It essentially leads to godhood. Look at what rock stars have gotten away with.


koenigsaurus t1_je08yw0 wrote

Yep. This practice is still very much alive in modern Western culture, it’s just got different names now because monotheism is pretty strict about the definition of a god.


COSLEEP t1_je341ou wrote

Tom Brady is worshiped and hated like a god


Caedro t1_je22p95 wrote

Gaiman’s concept of the new gods in “American gods” was fascinating to me. Where we invest our time/focus/energy/worship we create our own gods. Money, TV, internet, etc.


Ok-Cut4890 t1_je028jv wrote

It was common in ancient cultures of the Europe/West Asia/North Africa until monotheistic beliefs changed things.


khanto0 t1_je0kj1x wrote

Still common in Cristianity throughout its history, all the people who got annointed as Saints for varies works, basically became demi-gods.

Patron Saint of.... is basically the same as God of...


enter_nam t1_je10azc wrote

They also retconned the Old Gods as Saints


p314159i t1_je40fks wrote

And this is often why some protestants call the catholics polytheists as they have not cast off the relics of paganism yet. As the bible absolutely must be taken literally except for the part where Jesus says that this wine is his blood and this bread is his body. That's metaphorical.


WebtoonThrowaway99 t1_je3q1d3 wrote

Shout outs to the Greeks for recognizing the (distinctly black sub-saharan featured) Warrior Amemnon's skill and raising him to God hood post-humously. As the child of Eos/Arora, he can even technically be called the "the son of dawn" which is kinda badass all things considered.