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khoabear t1_je1pmvv wrote

Shame that you got downvoted because people don't understand the concept. Communists, like Chinese, Vietnamese and N. Koreans, love worshipping the party founders like gods.


lunamarya t1_je1q7e0 wrote

I’m not even referring to his cult of personality

He’s literally a modern-day Guan Yu — a Chinese folk hero whose wartime/peacetime exploits have been engrained to the Chinese psyche. Even if China wasn’t communist by this date I’d reckon that they’d still have him seated in their household shrines.

Up until today blue collar Chinese still jnvoke his “spirit” whenever they feel that they’re exploited lol


suppordel t1_je3bc3f wrote

No we don't.


khoabear t1_je3ct52 wrote

Are you a member of the communist party?


suppordel t1_je3d1c9 wrote

Do you think anyone with common sense is a member of the CCP?


khoabear t1_je3d6tk wrote

Then of course you don't worship. I was talking about communists only.


suppordel t1_je3do2a wrote

I also know things about the president of the US. Doesn't mean I am him. It's possible to know about groups you aren't part of. It's called "learning".


khoabear t1_je3e2v0 wrote

Then how do you explain photo of Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh or the Kims in their houses and workplaces?


suppordel t1_je3et3e wrote

Yes they exist but those are uncommon. Sure those people have their fans but there are nutjobs in every society. They are very much the loud minority.

I meant they aren't widely worshipped. If you go on the street of Beijing and yell "I love the CCP and Mao!" You're likely to get a lot of "um ok let me stay away from that person". You aren't likely to gather a group chanting with you.


lunamarya t1_je495hb wrote

Lols don't you white idiots even have a picture of Queen Lizzie stashed in your house somewhere? Or maybe your prime minister's photo in your government offices?