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MrCW64 t1_jdm7sc0 wrote

So the egg that was created by the mother grows into a baby and a placenta that were not created by the mother???


darw1nf1sh OP t1_jdmamzn wrote

The TIL bit, is that the placenta does not develop directly from the mothers body, but rather the egg, as part of its development, differentiates cells into the placenta AND the fetus directly. This only happens to fertilized eggs, so the mother cannot do this on her own. My naive ass thought the placenta was grown by the woman's body. It is not.


neobeguine t1_jdma7my wrote

The placenta and fetus have HALF the mothers DNA and half the fathers. The father's half is foreign DNA to the mother. This is relevant, for example when the mother and fetus's blood type are incompatible which can lead to the mothers immune system attacking the fetus


level27jennybro t1_jdmrgv9 wrote

And you end up with a rhogam shot injected directly in your ass cheek.


Darlmary t1_jdmw0n8 wrote

Yep. I'm A- and my husband is A+. Thankfully, rhogam exists! Both my daughters are A+, so they won't need it if they choose to conceive.


trimolius t1_jdmywle wrote

Something I learned when it happened to me is that they make rhogam for when this happens with Anti-D antibodies but there are other antibodies your baby could have like Anti-E and Anti-K (Kell) that they don’t make a shot for! It can be very dangerous.