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notaedivad t1_jdx9eyb wrote

You're claiming that the absence of a belief is a belief? Seriously!?

Is abstinence a sex position?

Is amoral the same as moral?

Is bald a hair colour?

Is NOT collecting stamps a hobby?

> proof there is nothing

You're conflating nihilism with atheism.

Your inability to understand the definitions of the words you're using is not a valid argument against them.


Doxbox49 t1_jdxc3av wrote

Well since we’re trying to insult each other now. I think your comparisons are pretty dumb. Absence of a belief is a tad different from absence of a tangible object. Also recommend calming down and not getting so upset over an internet conversation.

Let’s make it super simple.

You believe there is nothing. Some people believe there is something. Neither group can either prove or disprove their theory with current human knowledge and technology.

We haven’t even mastered fusion yet, one of the most common things in the universe. We haven’t left our solar system (voyager sort of). We haven’t even sent a man to the next planet over. We have no way to prove atoms exist in the form we currently believe is correct. Hell, gravity is still a theory because we technically can’t prove it. So many unknowns and yet you are 100% certain you know there is no higher power. Yes, I’d call that a bit of faith considering all the unknowns still to be discovered

Edit: downvoted every comment, replied, then blocked me before I could even read the reply. Oh well


notaedivad t1_jdxcoqk wrote

Insult? I've been clear, concise and factual - and you see this as an insult!? Why drag your ego into this?

I've given you clear, dictionary definitions, which you are choosing to disregard.

Atheism is the lack of belief, not the assertion of another - your inability to separate this from nihilism is your deficiency, no one else's.

You're obviously just trolling...

Best just to block your particular brand of wilfully delusional toxicity.


Doxbox49 t1_jdxubvh wrote

I feel like you haven’t read a single word I wrote or thought about it. You seem pretty dead set that you are right which is fine. Just remember to keep an open mind. We are still a young species trying to grasp at very large subjects which we have no or very limited understanding of