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Uranus_Hz t1_jdueyg1 wrote

That song is so fucking perfect


JMiLk21 t1_jdurndy wrote

Oooh man that gives me flashbacks.


bl4ckblooc420 t1_jdvj9hl wrote

What a powerful game. It seriously ruined my expectations for games, as it feels like nothing comes even close. The characters, the story, the living world where you are but on single part of it. I have a hard time not calling RDR2 the best game, ever.


boney_hoo_hoo t1_jdwze0l wrote

The entire point of gaming is to enjoy yourself, and I can’t say I have enjoyed myself as much playing any other game. If I’m alive 30 years from now, the nostalgia of this game will be overwhelming


JMiLk21 t1_jdvpwef wrote

I’d have a hard time not agreeing with you. Great experience.


vraalapa t1_je69c1a wrote

Yeah RDR2 pretty much ruined Ghost Of Tsushima for me, which was a shame because I had really looked forward to it. It was just so empty and hollow in comparison, and like no depth at all to any character. Great combat in that game though.


Chewyninja69 t1_jdwkde0 wrote

Yeahhh… here’s to hoping Rockstar management will continue to have their staff crunch and do 100 hour work weeks so that they can release RDR3…

Oh wait…they’re already doing that for GTA6. Welp, maybe next time.


MikeStanley00 t1_jdwujkm wrote

They’ve stopped doing that


Chewyninja69 t1_jdww2qh wrote

I highly doubt that. Companies like Rockstar don’t get big because they respect a worker’s home/life/work balance. But hey, if you’re saying it, then it must be true…


reddittisfreedom t1_jductc2 wrote

Let me experience D'angelo


chururusindondondo t1_jdufqvo wrote

Brother, D'Angelo is always in your heart. D'Angelo is not an outward experience, D'Angelo is experience. You can not grasp D'Angelo, D'Angelo is intangible, incomprehensible by the mind alone. You can only be D'Angelo.... We are all.... D'Angelo.


Procedure_Best t1_jdvw4tr wrote

Srs did he actually put chicken skin in a peanut butter Sandy ?


dert1313 t1_jdv7a2d wrote

That shit was classic Atlanta. I didn't understand the reference, I didn't understand the humor, but it still made me crack up because it was so weird.


Panelak_Cadillac t1_jdw5nt2 wrote

"A D'Angelo is a complex network of men, women and D'Angelos spread across countries, earth and light. You have proven yourself worthy of our visage."


LedZacclin t1_jduqmyk wrote

D’angelo is one of the greatest fucking songwriters of all time. I seriously wish he released music more often.


ethanwnelson t1_jdv4dzr wrote

Voodoo and Black Messiah are fucking phenomenal albums! Glad that his song for RDR2 got so many people to check out his music. He deserves more recognition imo


Pimpdaddysadness t1_jdvj32i wrote

9 years since any new music outside of this one single for a video game. It’s no exaggeration to say that Black Messiah helped change my life, I would do anything for more D’Angelo


pegazorn t1_jdx6owd wrote

How the fuck has it been 9 years since Black Messiah? It feels so much more recent.

Hopefully it’s not 14 years between albums like last time.


LedZacclin t1_jdxnxzj wrote

I feel you. Black Messiah brought me to tears when it first came out, I was just so overjoyed to be hearing D’s voice and perspective again, that and the songs were fucking incredible.


superb_deluxe t1_jdxln9h wrote

VooDoo is one of the greatest albums ever made. Outside of the brilliant playing by the soulquarians crew, what Russ Elevado was able to do merging analog and digital recording to get the warmest sound with the fattest bass possible is why this record will continue to stand the test of time.


AngelZappin t1_jdut1tr wrote

Remember in the 90's when we all wanted to see his dick in that one music video?


WintertimeFriends t1_jdvykb9 wrote

I’m a straight dude and that image is still seared into my mind 30 years later.

Imaging having abs that influential?


dholm t1_jdwzgcx wrote

In "Back to the Future" on Black Messiah, he sings:

>So if you're wondering about the shape I'm in
I hope it ain't my abdomen that you're referring to

He's an incredible artist, and like all of us from time to time, he struggled with some mental health issues. However, instead of a serious conversation about depression and addiction (boooring), all of the media attention was on his body and his weight gain during his hiatus after the release of Voodoo.

So, for once I suppose I'm happy my abs haven't made me the object of lust for everyone coming of age in the 1990s.


The_Scarf_Ace t1_jdw254t wrote

Im sorry Im too young but what???


Bodymaster t1_jdv4xur wrote

>D’Angelo reached out to Pavlovich through an unnamed intermediary. “He would come in here [Rockstar’s New York city office] and just play the game. We weren’t even talking about doing music,” Pavlovich says. “When D’Angelo comes through, he shows up at midnight, and he’s playing the game until four in the morning. Each time he was just like, ‘it’s incredible.’ It just blows his mind. He’s such a fan. I have never seen someone that excited.”

That's not really the same as the job that actual playtesters do. Like I doubt he was spending his 4 hours in Strawberry logging collision detection inconsistencies with horses and various types of fences.


andres92 t1_jdvgyvl wrote

My heart goes out to the actual testers/QA who had to do overtime until 4am so some celebrity could play a video game.


[deleted] t1_jdv5sig wrote



Bodymaster t1_jdv8cuh wrote

Well I'm not a playtester either, so no, not gatekeeping. Just saying one of those things isn't a profession.


theundulator t1_jdw8dde wrote

This was my favorite moment in the game. Better even than the finale. The moment being set up by >!barely making it back from Guarma in the dark, Stealing the lone horse under the streetlight, Exhausted, dreading what you're riding towards, the knowledge of your own terminal illness still fresh in your head!< and then the song fading in made me feel things that no media has in a long while if ever. Utterly masterful.


Boggie135 t1_jduyjvw wrote

That song was absolutely perfect for the game.


[deleted] t1_jdv1lya wrote



Pimpdaddysadness t1_jdvinv6 wrote

Voodoo is not really hip hop. And D’Angelo isn’t a rapper. It’s Neo-Soul which was a very distinct genre that he and Erykah Badu helped invent. Couldn’t imagine someone comparing Badu to rappers or something


[deleted] t1_jdvdq8e wrote



Vitalic123 t1_jdx57b0 wrote

I felt like there actually was a ton of music though. I seem to remember nearly every big mission, at least, having a unique song attached to it.


Luung t1_jdyfj8c wrote

There is a lot of music but almost none of it has vocals, which makes the few moments where it does particularly striking. They used the same technique to equal effect in the first game when you first arrive in Mexico, when you're riding back home to your family, and over the end credits.


slipknot90 t1_jdwr3q4 wrote

I fixed his home A/C a long time ago. He lived in this big house tucked in the back of a nice neighborhood. I had no idea who he was at the time. He had a Grammy on the fireplace mantle, so i figured he was somebody. Had to go in his makeshift studio that was just a tiny bedroom in this big house that was filled with instruments, to get to his A/C equipment. Turned out it was just a severely clogged air filter, he had no idea it was even in there. He was the only person there and he was super nice. That evening I asked my wife if she knew who Michael Archer was, she said "Oh hell yeah, D'Angelo"


minahmyu t1_jduzv1i wrote

I didn't even know he still made music. I just know when that one music video dropped... so did everyone's undies apparently


T-Weed- t1_jdv9flz wrote

That song shook me


WokeWaco t1_jdvqtb0 wrote

Best video game ever played hands down


handsome_vulpine t1_jdwulx7 wrote

🎵May iiiiii...🎵

🎵Stand unshaken...🎵


🎵Amidst a clash of worlds...🎵

Tears. Literal tears. 😢


PrinceBitterbatter t1_jdvb05o wrote

Damn I love that song.
That shit gets me bawling every time I listen.
It's gotten me through hard times I couldn't even start to describe to y'all mfs


Yodas-Balls t1_jdwbe87 wrote

Fucking fantastic song and fantastic game


oldar4 t1_jdwrqw5 wrote

Nothing beats jose Gonzalez far awayfrom rdr1 tho. So fucking iconic. Comibg over the hills into Mexico as this song starts playing subtly... such an amazing moment i still remember it vivdly


mgrayart t1_jdxdodo wrote

McDonald's jingle tune is a clear rip off of 'Shit, Damn, Motherfucker' IMO


killacarnitas1209 t1_jdx4d6m wrote

I just started my second play through a week ago--damn, I missed out on so many small details the first time that the second time makes it better.


budius333 t1_jdx5pvq wrote

Today I learned that this guy is famous. I know him solely by this song and had never heard of him before the game ¯⁠\⁠⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠⁠/⁠¯


homogenic- t1_jdxqgdn wrote

It’s been almost ten years since he released an album, it’s time for a new one.


night_dude t1_jdyijnk wrote

There's a fucking D'Angelo song in RDR2?????


oleboogerhays t1_jdz1i81 wrote

I had no idea he wrote that song for the game. The sequence when that song plays is one of my top three "music enhancing gameplay" moments I've ever experienced.


Practical-Cattle8690 t1_je08jwu wrote

Man!! I remember while playing the game I had been waiting for the song.. When Arthur, tired and exhausted from Gwarma, found that white horse and began riding back for redemption, and when that song came on.. EPIC!!!


morbihann t1_jdwrhtn wrote

"The series" of two games.


HistoricalDebates t1_jdwyz2j wrote

but it's three games? it's a trilogy. Red Dead Revolver, Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. If you count Undead Nightmare as a separate entity rather than an expansion it's more


morbihann t1_jdx0rhn wrote

Before RDR2 came out there were only 2 games. So it was a series of two while he was doing the work on RDR2.


hyzermofo t1_jduzkfp wrote

So the third was called two. Got it.


estofaulty t1_jdvyzh0 wrote

Too bad he didn’t say anything about the incredibly slow fucking pace of that game.


hyzermofo t1_jduksll wrote

Erm... He loved the first game, which is not a series.


BigMeatBobby t1_jdumzhb wrote

Maybe he loved Red Dead Revolver too


BastardFromTheSouth t1_jdune4g wrote

You are correct.


hyzermofo t1_jduon3w wrote

Well, now it's a series. That shit is just misleading.

Edit: TIL you all are a pain in the ass.


audio_shinobi t1_jduwbj2 wrote

It was a series then too? And even so, you’re being pedantic for no reason.


hyzermofo t1_jduwf2b wrote

There's always a reason to be pedantic. One game doesn't make a series, does it?


audio_shinobi t1_jduwiex wrote

Your point is moot, as at that point there were already two games.


hyzermofo t1_jduwrf9 wrote

RDR2 should rightly be renamed RDR3. That's the misleading shit. Don't tell me about can't wait for <insert game> 2 and you love the series already. MF one game is not a series.

Anyway, you're arguing a point I already conceded. Out.


audio_shinobi t1_jduwvlf wrote

You must be fun at parties


hyzermofo t1_jduwx33 wrote

I'm a blast. Now fuck off.


audio_shinobi t1_jdux1jm wrote

Such aggressive language. Do you kiss your mother with that keyboard?


hyzermofo t1_jduxei5 wrote

Oi! Mum! This cunt wants to know if I kiss you with my keyboard. Right fucking idiot, I agree. I already told him to fuck off. Alright, alright, I'll tell him. My mum say fuck off.


Boggie135 t1_jduyf1m wrote

It was two games and he was helping test the third


Caroleanlover t1_jduzom3 wrote

ah the memories of me and my older brother staying up all night trying to figure out how to kill that fatass with the dynamite after we ran out of bullets


granadesnhorseshoes t1_jdullok wrote

I'll chum the waters; Who the hell is D'Angelo? I was mildly disappointed it wasn't about 80s/90s milf titties and didn't read it.


Infinitelyodiforous t1_jdupru0 wrote

On every sex mix in the early 2000's