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DrastabTar t1_jcjd7a4 wrote

I think what you are trying to say is that the games are rigged, by the league, through the refs.

Players don't have to be involved when a holding or PI call can cancel a score or keep a drive alive.

The whole thing is rigged, has been for a long time.


PeachSnappleOhYeah t1_jcl2ewi wrote

i doubt they are rigged. but too many games are decided by a referee's interpretation of a rule. too many reviews. it happens in the playoffs, too. it just cheapens the game. close games are almost always decided by a borderline flag.

there's just too much referee involvement in the game, IMO.


Admirable_Remove6824 t1_jclbmcp wrote

Then there’s the guy bitching about the no calls that cost there team. It’s part of the game. Ref are human.


Admirable_Remove6824 t1_jclbndj wrote

Then there’s the guy bitching about the no calls that cost there team. It’s part of the game. Ref are human, mostly.