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Ok_Copy5217 OP t1_jds3inf wrote

there is a trend for fashion to be recycled every few decades or so. Do you still see 80s jean jackets in style today?


ninpho2246 t1_jds8xdf wrote

The term is planned obsolescence and everything gets fazed out and brought back to keep the system perpetual.


SlightRedeye t1_jduxhrq wrote

Planned obsolescence has absolutely nothing to do with fashion preferences. How on earth did you come to this conclusion?


ninpho2246 t1_jdv5vl5 wrote

Cause you won't read the article here is the first few paragraphs.

Planned obsolescence, or what was known in the 1930s as ‘creative waste,’ is an old trick companies use to create recurring revenue, by intentionally designing their products to become obsolete.

The first is through perceived obsolescence, whereby fast-changing trends render old styles obsolete, driving unnecessary consumption. Fast fashion brands such as H&M or Zara put out anywhere between 12 to 24 collections every year, at least twice the industry standard.

Another way that fashion companies drive obsolescence is by producing poor quality items. Within a matter of weeks, customers find new clothing coming apart at the seams or losing color, soles coming off of footwear, or jewelry breaking apart.

From Wikipedia about planned obsolescence

plan would have the government impose a legal obsolescence on personal-use items, to stimulate and perpetuate purchasing.

God damn I love being correct.


SlightRedeye t1_jdvk652 wrote

I've never heard of planned obselesence used in the fashion context before, I'm happy to say you're right.

Patting yourself on the back so hard makes you look like an asshole though.


SaraRainmaker t1_jdwjaar wrote

Actually... (sorry I had to)

Fast Fashion is planned obsolescence - ie: Making shoddy inexpensive clothing that people only wear once or twice and then it falls apart.

It has nothing to do with trends, fads or styles, which are driven by music, celebrities and yes fashion designers and textile companies.


ninpho2246 t1_jdw0bji wrote

I look like many things from many perceptions. Yours is nothing new.
