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OkThereBro t1_jbiu3ik wrote

You talk about vegans like they're all the same. Every vegan I've met had been very rational and respectful. Forcing or judging others for their behavior is stupid and if people have don't that to you then I could understand why you feel the way you do. But those people where just assholes, not just "vegans".


obscureferences t1_jblbply wrote

I didn't have a better word for the group. What would you call people who have a problem with you eating produce specifically because it involves animal suffering?


OkThereBro t1_jbmnh0f wrote

Rational. People can have problems or see issue with whatever they want. It's when people force it on others that they become wrong.


obscureferences t1_jbn2fhl wrote

That's not specific, and they will enforce their preference, so make up your mind.


OkThereBro t1_jbzzj8k wrote

No one is enforcing anything on you. You sound like a victim. No ones hurting you, no one cares what you do.

Vegans are just a type of people who don't eat certain things. Seems judgemental to add additional things on top. Everyone has beliefs. No one is forcing them on you. If you think they will then that's paranoid. What are you afraid of? Vegans lol?