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tvieno t1_jeefsf9 wrote

>EGOT, an acronym for the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony Awards, is the designation given to people who have won all four of the major American art awards.

>The EGOT acronym was coined by actor Philip Michael Thomas in late 1984, when his role on Miami Vice brought him instant fame, and he stated a desire to achieve the EGOT within five years.(Thomas has yet to be nominated for any EGOT prize.)

>The acronym gained wider recognition following a 2009 episode of 30 Rock that introduced EGOT status as a recurring plotline.


Toy_Guy_in_MO t1_jeefpp1 wrote

PMT's reach was farther than his grasp. I guess you could say he was... EGOTistical.


PreOpTransCentaur t1_jefi9gr wrote

As Robert Browning once wrote, "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?" I was prepared for the possibility of this meeting!


regular6drunk7 t1_jegurlx wrote

The next level up is the PEGOT award which is an EGOT and also winning the Pulitzer prize. Marvin Hamlisch and Richard Rodgers have done this.


greed-man t1_jeh0yd3 wrote

No one, as yet, has won the PENGOT award, which includes the above PLUS winning the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.


RamboDanza t1_jefkewy wrote

Tracy Jordan stars as Jeffrey "Lucky" Ceda in Hard To Watch.


md4024 t1_jefzdi4 wrote

That's a good goal for a talented crazy person.


LeapIntoInaction t1_jeez849 wrote

I'm sure that's a wonderful bit of trivia to share with your fellow 30 Rock fan, and we don't actually need to know what EGOT means.
