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IAmTiborius OP t1_je91u4r wrote

The gunman, John Hinckley Jr., did not face charges for Brady's death because he had been found not guilty of the shooting by reason of insanity. In addition, since Brady's death occured more than 33 years after the shooting, the prosecution of Hinckley was barred under the year and a day law in effect in the District of Columbia at the time of the shooting. Hinckley was released from institutional psychiatric care on September 10, 2016


ehutch2005 t1_jea15vd wrote

He's now an aspiring musician with a pretty active YouTube channel


Nixplosion t1_jea5n37 wrote

That is WILD to me haha


cobywaan t1_jeag66z wrote

Yeah that is really hard to believe that a guy that shot Regan is now making music vids on YT.

Just, like, whoa. What a time to be alive.


Alert-Garlic1998 t1_jeaum85 wrote

Daniel Ortega is president of Nicaragua. Bongbong Marcos is president of the Philippines. Russia is an evil empire run by a dictator and waging pointless war. What were the 80s even for?


DANK_SWAG_420 t1_jea1idd wrote

I was bracing myself for Rick Astley


InsertNoCoin t1_jeavi1o wrote

After reading your comment I was bracing myself for Rick Astley even more


Viperbunny t1_jeb4oxp wrote

My kids recently discovered what a Rick roll was and were so excited to share it. Rick rolling them is at blast. It's pay back for explaining what a meme is to me like I'm ancient just because I am older than Google!


Ignoble_profession t1_jecxthu wrote

I taught middle school. My students would throw Rick Rolls into their project. I loved it.


JokersRWildStudios t1_jeabxvg wrote

Good for him tbh. Hopefully he’s a better musician than assassin.


Gomulkaaa t1_jeajlzb wrote

He's a would-be murderer, though. Would we still he this supportive of him if he shot and nearly killed our family member?


SNESamus t1_jeam1v7 wrote

Honestly, yes. The man has done his time (35 years), and seems to be legitimately reformed and stable. I probably wouldn't be a fan of his, but I'd be okay with him making something of the rest of his life.


jeandanjou t1_jeap51e wrote

If he's regretful, treated and paid his time? Yeah I think so. It didn't show particular signs of cruelties and he was legit insane at the time. Harboring grudges, even if justified, for decades and making it your lifelong mission to keep following and resenting and attacking a person means your life will also be stuck in that day.

Doesn't mean I'm going to personally embrace him and invite him in my house like some people do.


KGhaleon t1_jeasj93 wrote

Nope, murderers should never be released from prison and it's just a flaw of the justice system. 35 years isn't nearly enough.


[deleted] t1_jebstru wrote



KGhaleon t1_jebtr08 wrote

A life for a life is fair in any situation. You kill someone you should lose yours in turn. People forgiving murderers is a joke.


[deleted] t1_jebw72u wrote



KGhaleon t1_jebx68d wrote

>In your perfect utopia, would you just execute murderers in the same way
they murdered someone? Would you maybe sentence a rapist to be raped

Look at these mental gymnastics.


JardinSurLeToit t1_jee0blx wrote

He's still a piece of shit and I feel sorry for the men who worked that detail and particularly for Jody Foster, as well.