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janner_10 t1_jd3yvwz wrote

FYI, if you ever have laser eye correction surgery, it smells the same for those few seconds the excimer laser is on.


Xiaxs t1_jd3xj4l wrote

I understood maybe 3 words in that title.

Also "sulfur containing amino acid cysteine for polymer crosslinking" new band name I call it.

We'll be 'S.C.A.A.C. P.C.' for short.


Crepuscular_Animal t1_jd70g45 wrote

So hair mainly consists of a protein called keratin. Keratin is made out of loooong molecules. These molecules are polymers, which means they are strings of similar, repeating elements - amino acids. One of these amino acids is cystein. Cystein in one strand is able to bind to cystein in another strand. This binding makes keratin stronger. So hair is keratin, and keratin contains a lot of cystein, and that's why it is so strong, and cystein contains sulfur. Sulfur smells bad when burned.


Sensitive-Hold-8196 t1_jd4wylm wrote

Yeah, I don't really understand any of these fancy words, but could you just let me know if I need to wear safety goggles when I'm using my curling iron?


Fantastic-Berry-737 OP t1_jd60zqr wrote

Ever since learning about polymer crosslinking I haven't taken my safety googles off for a minute


crimefighterplatypus t1_jd638i0 wrote

Amino acid is a building block to make a protein. Imagine a single amino acid as a bead, and a protein has many beads strung together. Cysteine is one of those “beads”, use to make a part of a protein, called the polymer. Imagine you took a bunch of strings with beads and tied them together to make a large necklace, thats the entire protein. In this case that protein is keratin. Cysteine is also found in bird feathers and horse hooves


droveby t1_jd46yqg wrote

Huh... I guess this also explains why my hair stinks after getting it the brazilian-straightening thing (which uses keratin)


crimefighterplatypus t1_jd62mmk wrote

Loool I learned this fun fact from reading ingredient labels! I actually found out that human hair contains L-cysteine. It is also found in bird feathers and horse hooves. L-cysteine is a dough conditioner that can be used to make breads softer. Some breads use asorbic acid but others use cysteine. One day I looked up cysteine and learned what you posted lol


Enthusiastic-shitter t1_jd5uflp wrote

I have hairy hands and a high powered gas stove. I burn the hair off my hands on a weekly basis just making eggs


justifun t1_jd6d383 wrote

Is it just me or does burnt hair and weed smell the same?