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Amadacius t1_jdfyjvl wrote

>They were free roaming wild animals. Rounded up. Penned and potentilnally abused. Then bought en masse and sold for meat.

That's the definition of livestock.


CaliBigWill t1_jdg19h4 wrote

Livestock” means livestock as defined in sec. 602 of the Emergency Livestock Feed Assistance Act of 1988 [7 U.S.C. 1471], as amended, insects, and all other living animals cultivated, grown, or raised for commercial purposes, including aquatic animals.

They were not grown or raised and US Law specifically bans them from being sold for commercial meat. Not Livestock


Amadacius t1_jdg4f2x wrote

The crux of your argument seems to be that it free-range meat is more cruel than factory farmed meat. That if an animal lived a good life before slaughter it is more tragic than if we birthed them in a cage, deprived and abused them consistently from start to finish.

We round them up because they are an invasive species that disrupts the local ecology. We slaughter them because nobody else wants them. But every ounce of meat produced this way seems infinitely more ethical than the more systemic methods.