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themagicbong t1_jdoyqei wrote

Damn, all these jokes, but that sounds pretty fuckin serious. Pretty wild to have such an enormous body of water that high above sea level. "at an altitude of approximately 3,700 m (12,100 ft)."

"In 2002 the lake was designated as a site for conservation under the Ramsar Convention. By December 2015, the lake had completely dried up, leaving only a few marshy areas. Although the lake has dried up completely twice in the past, it does not appear that it will recover this time."

cool. cool. cool. this is fine. Was only the SECOND largest lake in the country.


Spiritual_Meaning321 t1_jdpbyyu wrote

You're right, I just read up on it and it's CRAZY how the whole lake just disappeared. Very, very bad for those reliant on its waters.


themagicbong t1_jdrurx0 wrote

I read the lake was saline, but I'm sure there were still plenty of uses, as you mention, despite the salt. But when I first commented it was like everyone was avoiding the elephant in the room, lol. I can't believe the whole thing just disappeared like that, though. Crazy. And even just the height it was at sorta blew my mind.


Spiritual_Meaning321 t1_jdsicfv wrote

Ohh I thought it was freshwater. I've seen this happen to many rivers in my home country (Bangladesh). Even Lake Ontario's getting more polluted as the days go by. But yea, I was surprised no one was talking about it lol