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treethirtythree t1_jcec5fx wrote

It's a stupid amount of noise. I mean, hats off to them but I like my eardrums.


TimeTravelMishap t1_jcechix wrote

For those who have never been to a game at arrowhead its tradition to all scream like idiots during the other teams play so they can't hear their audibles


vicquid t1_jceey5u wrote

Your salty tears are sooo delicious

Also, we beat the backs of our seats too!


TimeTravelMishap t1_jcefgrt wrote

lol MY tears? I am one of those screaming idiots.


vicquid t1_jceoxpg wrote

My bad, read it as a salty other team fan

I'll apologize yesterday


inksta12 t1_jcee8jw wrote

In the homeeee, offf theeee………


moistnote t1_jcfdw6c wrote

I still say it when I’m at the games in Indy. Don’t even know the real ending, never gets sung in Kansas City.


askmeaboutmysciatica t1_jcez1df wrote

God I’d hate that


Groundbreaking-Bar89 t1_jcgr2ra wrote

Me too.. I’m the type of person who hates fire alarms and loud noises.


Iwant2beFemboy t1_jcgrmi8 wrote

Me too, but strangely I love guns, which are generally obscenely loud


Groundbreaking-Bar89 t1_jcgrsub wrote

Haha same here. I wear those headphones that allow you to hear still with volume control and ear buds.

To clarify they are the ear protection with sound for better awareness.


Iwant2beFemboy t1_jcgx7m9 wrote

I've tried those on but I've never actually used them for shooting. Seems like those would be good for home defense (assuming you have time to put them on)


TowlieJrJr t1_jcebze4 wrote

We are a rowdy crowd in Chiefs Kingdom ; )


Noahb26 OP t1_jcedfev wrote

As a hawks fan we had the record for a good stretch.

No im not salty… okay maybe a little


vicquid t1_jcef0ad wrote

Wasn't it one season, and it was because we couldn't answer back til next season?


OofOwwMyBones120 t1_jceywcq wrote

And their stadium is more closed up which helps to amplify sound. Still, it was a fun little back and forth.


CornyName88 t1_jcex9t0 wrote

I can remember back to late 90s when I was a kid announcers mentioning how loud arrowhead is during games. Not a chiefs fan or from kc but for some reason that's always like the first thing I think of when I see the chiefs.


Odd-Valuable1370 t1_jcgdv7m wrote

Arrowhead might be the loudest, but I bet they never got called for a penalty for being too loud.


bcoltharp t1_jciwm0c wrote

John Elway - Broncos quarterback - tried to get them penalized back in the 90's during a game


Unindoctrinated t1_jcehm7t wrote

A stadium that produces noise at a volume that's literally damaging to human hearing. Brilliant.


huzernayme t1_jcf7qd3 wrote

It's for a sport that has a high chance of injury and permanent brain damage. You don't really expect to go in there for a vegan colon cleanse and a yoga session.


Unindoctrinated t1_jcgbh66 wrote

Most companies/organisations try to avoid doing things that they can be sued for.


Totschlag t1_jcfxkag wrote

Really has nothing to do with the stadium. It's not designed to amplify acoustics like others are.


Unindoctrinated t1_jcgapkk wrote

There may not have been an intention for the stadium to amplify acoustics, but humans can't reach 142db, so the stadium is definitely helping.


OofOwwMyBones120 t1_jceyugc wrote

Ehhh, it’s fun. Worth the hearing damage. If you’ve had a drink in the last week you’ve done more damage to your body than going to a Chiefs game would.


climbhigher420 t1_jcf6tzd wrote

That way you don’t have to hear about CTE.


Iwant2beFemboy t1_jcgryy8 wrote

In this thread you'll find the dozen or so Redditors that actually like sports


[deleted] t1_jceciqc wrote



3pbc t1_jceibdo wrote

Went to a predators game - I was embarrassed for you with the high school level chants.


Glass-Ebb9867 t1_jcejqup wrote

Hate it for you, we (and most ppl that visit) enjoy them and see it as fun ( although a bit sophomoric ). Usually the ones that don't like it went to a game where their team lost. Better luck next time


Totschlag t1_jcfxs51 wrote

Best chants in sports? First off those are high school hockey chants in Minnesota you ripped off. Second the single best chant is Rock Chalk Jayhawk, no question. Third, those are embarrassing in terms of European chants too.


pencilrain99 t1_jceuau9 wrote

That's low level for Ultras in Europe
