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Unindoctrinated t1_jcehm7t wrote

A stadium that produces noise at a volume that's literally damaging to human hearing. Brilliant.


huzernayme t1_jcf7qd3 wrote

It's for a sport that has a high chance of injury and permanent brain damage. You don't really expect to go in there for a vegan colon cleanse and a yoga session.


Unindoctrinated t1_jcgbh66 wrote

Most companies/organisations try to avoid doing things that they can be sued for.


Totschlag t1_jcfxkag wrote

Really has nothing to do with the stadium. It's not designed to amplify acoustics like others are.


Unindoctrinated t1_jcgapkk wrote

There may not have been an intention for the stadium to amplify acoustics, but humans can't reach 142db, so the stadium is definitely helping.


OofOwwMyBones120 t1_jceyugc wrote

Ehhh, it’s fun. Worth the hearing damage. If you’ve had a drink in the last week you’ve done more damage to your body than going to a Chiefs game would.
