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TowlieJrJr t1_jcebze4 wrote

We are a rowdy crowd in Chiefs Kingdom ; )


treethirtythree t1_jcec5fx wrote

It's a stupid amount of noise. I mean, hats off to them but I like my eardrums.


TimeTravelMishap t1_jcechix wrote

For those who have never been to a game at arrowhead its tradition to all scream like idiots during the other teams play so they can't hear their audibles


inksta12 t1_jcee8jw wrote

In the homeeee, offf theeee………


Unindoctrinated t1_jcehm7t wrote

A stadium that produces noise at a volume that's literally damaging to human hearing. Brilliant.


Glass-Ebb9867 t1_jcejqup wrote

Hate it for you, we (and most ppl that visit) enjoy them and see it as fun ( although a bit sophomoric ). Usually the ones that don't like it went to a game where their team lost. Better luck next time


CornyName88 t1_jcex9t0 wrote

I can remember back to late 90s when I was a kid announcers mentioning how loud arrowhead is during games. Not a chiefs fan or from kc but for some reason that's always like the first thing I think of when I see the chiefs.


Totschlag t1_jcfxs51 wrote

Best chants in sports? First off those are high school hockey chants in Minnesota you ripped off. Second the single best chant is Rock Chalk Jayhawk, no question. Third, those are embarrassing in terms of European chants too.


Iwant2beFemboy t1_jcgryy8 wrote

In this thread you'll find the dozen or so Redditors that actually like sports
