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KyivComrade t1_it2fhg2 wrote

Nah, while we do get a lot of practice regarding social skills during kindergarten/early school years it isn't a critical period. Anyone can, unless hindered by mental illness, achieve decent social skills even if they start out as extremely socially awkward and/or shy.

I for one was bullied through all my school years and barely even had a friend, much less a good friend. I couldn't handle social situations at all, literal dread and nausea even thinking about them. But in my 30s I decided to change myself, I moved far away and tried to start a new fresh life. And I managed! Slowly but surely I could socialise more and nowadays its easy, even public speaking feels doable (formerly impossible). The fact that no one knew me allowed me to "fake it until you make it" and slowly but surely learn, train and conquer, basic social skills.