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Wild_Rover5298 t1_iu1zhc5 wrote

So does that mean water is indeed wet


Wilbis t1_iubdhtx wrote

Any liquid is wet. Doesn't necessarily need to be water.


TalosBeWithYou t1_iu271nr wrote

Wetness is the retention of water on or under the surface. Water cannot be wet because it cannot be on it's self. If you add water to existing water you increase the orginal body of water.


AdvicePerson t1_iu2nzg3 wrote

Is he a dot, or is he a speck?

When he's underwater does he get wet?

Or does the water get him instead?

Nobody knows, Particle man


invisible32 t1_iu2e1ao wrote

Why cannot it be on it's self? One molecule of water is atop a second molecule of water. Both are now on eachother, both are wet.


SlingDingersOnPatrol t1_iu2y999 wrote

It’s just semantics, really. If we want water to be wet, it can be. And there’s really no reason for it to not.


EPalmighty t1_iu2k8uf wrote

But then they are each other and not on top


drkensaccount t1_iu2drh6 wrote

Wet water is water that has a small amount of surfacant (detergent) added to break down surface tension. It's used in modeling to keep sprayed, water based glue from beading up, so it soaks into whatever it's supposed to be gluing together.