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LostWithOutaCare t1_iqw1jkj wrote

Watched all of epic history's Marshall's. Bernadotte definitely stood out from the rest because of his humble beginning and rise to power rivaling the kings of Europe


avbbva t1_iqw2092 wrote

I'm somewhat disappointed that he did not, in fact, have a tattoo reading "Death to the kings".


Frenetic_Platypus t1_iqw3j34 wrote

The best part is that he was elected by people who wanted to be allied to France while pretending to be sent directly by Napoleon, but then he immediately told him to go eat a bag of dicks and helped Russia defeat him.


Cold_Situation_7803 t1_iqw7n0w wrote

This a great example to show Zoomers that anyone can become a royal head of state if they skip the avocado toast and work hard. /s


ErrantJune t1_iqw8n0j wrote

His story is absolutely fascinating. His wife, Desiree Clary, had been briefly engaged to Napoleon Bonaparte (her sister married Napoleon's brother Joseph) before she met and married Bernadotte.


Justice-Gorsuch t1_iqwavwk wrote

Russia pushed hard for Bernadotte to be made king of France after the Napoleonic Wars. At the Congress of Vienna, Russia didn’t want the Bourbon dynasty restored and argued that it should be him instead, but the other great powers wanted someone with more legitimacy and were weary of someone they saw might be a Russian puppet leading France.


Mycrost t1_iqwj2cn wrote

It must be nice, to have Napoleon by your side


Biltongbakkie t1_iqwlmcu wrote

His ancestry is still the reigning royal house of Sweden.

Made a scapegoat by Napoleon for his failures, made a king by Sweden for his kind treatment of POW soldiers.


TheParisCommune1871 t1_iqwyz14 wrote

The current King of Sweden is from the French Third Estate?!?!? The Royal Swedish Coat of Arms still has the Napoleonic Eagle.


HappyHighwayman t1_iqx31sn wrote

Being an unelected leader of a foreign country is something everyone should aspire to be


ErrantJune t1_iqxbps6 wrote

Everyone I know who knows this song (and Moxy Fruvous) has a WNY connection so I don't want to say it's ONLY local, but there was a lot more exposure in that region (and probably other northeastern states that border CA).


DoofusMagnus t1_iqxmzfw wrote

He actually was elected by the Riksdag of the Estates. Not the same as a modern popular election, but an election. Of course his descendants haven't had to bother with that whole voting nonsense.


gwaydms t1_iqxx6sx wrote

What an amazing life. Bernadotte started as a private soldier and worked his way up through the ranks. Through his considerable intelligence and other personal qualities, he won the trust of Napoleon and many others. His honesty and humanity toward others ultimately won him the Swedish crown.


Ok_Mix5519 t1_iqy6a9n wrote

Haven’t we all, in our own way, died King of Sweden?


FindTheRemnant t1_iqz2ydx wrote

"In 1810 King Charles XIII of Sweden was childless and the crown prince Charles August had died of a stroke. Baron Mörner was then a lieutenant in the Uppland Regiment. Entirely on his own initiative, Mörner offered the succession to the Swedish crown to Bernadotte. Although the Swedish government, amazed at Mörner's effrontery, placed him under arrest, the candidature of Bernadotte gradually gained favor. "

Stranger than fiction


ThatBassPlayer t1_irn40e0 wrote

If I remember correctly, didn't he have a 'Death To Kings' tattoo?