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Purtz48 t1_iu33wuy wrote

So they make you speed up in the UK?


spootypuff t1_iu4gr35 wrote

Exactly, and to slow down you pedal forwards on the pedals.


TotallyTrash3d t1_iu9v0ze wrote

You push the pads on to the wheels and it moves the levers on the handlebars.

Seems solid


bloody_terrible t1_iu3uvju wrote

I broke my collarbone because of this. I was a mountain biking enthusiast throughout my childhood and youth in Australia where the front brake is on the right. Fast forward to a couple of years ago, I’m riding a bicycle down the street in Vienna and 3 people walk out in front of me from between parked cars. I instinctively grab a big handful of the left brake lever thinking it’s the rear brake. It’s the front brake.

I fly over the bars and land on my shoulder. Broken collarbone ahoi.


r4tch3t_ t1_iu44gcf wrote

Got to learn to use both brakes!

Rear brake = skid.

Front brake = over handle bars.

Both + leaning back = very fast stop.


bloody_terrible t1_iu477ps wrote

I of course used the other brake. The problem was that I was going downhill trying to do an emergency stop with brakes on opposite sides to what I was used to.


P_ZERO_ t1_iu452ds wrote

You can use front brake without going over the handle bars by moving behind the seat, damn near impossible unless you’re trying to and crank your brake pressure right up


slowslownotbad t1_iu4ha4k wrote

Depends what you’re riding…

Most of my mountain bikes have been set up as front brake = death


ClownfishSoup t1_iu5qrlz wrote

>front brake = death

Seems like a foolish way to set up a bike.


P_ZERO_ t1_iu5ggv7 wrote

Bleed or allow more cable through to lengthen the travel


r4tch3t_ t1_iu46cqx wrote

I added the +leaning back trying to imply just sitting still and not countering the rotation would definately send you over the handlebars if you had to brake hard with front only :D

I used to bike to when and would tear it my breaking distance at red lights. Throwing myself behind the seat gave me less than a car length stopping distance from about in good weather.

Also don't balance on your pedals at the lights, it destroys the crank bearing very quick...


hankhillsvoice t1_iu4o89y wrote

You (or whoever built the bike) probably installed the bottom bracket wrong. The bearing should not be wearing out quickly by balancing at stop lights. If this was the case you wouldn’t be able to stand up on the pedal when you climb hills. My guess is you’re riding in pretty bad conditions (cyclocross bikes will often need a new bottom bracket every year if you race enough) or, like I said it was not installed correctly or completely. Some BBs are notoriously hard to install.


r4tch3t_ t1_iu4rwub wrote

Was installed correctly I'm fairly sure. Was done by a mountain bike shop my Co worker had been going to for decades. By quickly I mean around 6 months to a year. I've never had to replace one before standing on the pedals like that.

When I took it in to get fixed (didn't have the right tool and probably wouldn't have done it right anyway) the dude told me the bearing was basically crushed and asked if I rocked back and forth at the lights. Told me not to and I've never had an issue since.

As for standing on them while climbing hills, maybe it wears more evenly?


wayfafer t1_iu4ihiv wrote

I ride my single speed bike with only front brakes, never had any problems stopping.


ikilledyourfriend t1_iu53eqx wrote

Yeah you’re basically squeezing the brake as hard as you can while simultaneously throwing the bike forward with your palms, and feet on the pedals.


thedugsdanglies t1_iu4lpms wrote

Say that to my sintered hydraulic disks that slam on with a tiny tap


P_ZERO_ t1_iu5gddv wrote

Bleed them? That’s entirely up to you.


thedugsdanglies t1_iu5ljai wrote

That is them bled bro they're supposed to be snappy

Sintered brakes are for heavy rain


P_ZERO_ t1_iu5lob4 wrote

Brakes are supposed to feel comfortable, not uncontrollably snappy as you seem to imply. I used to do DH MTB, a front brake in the correct zone is vital.

If they are too snappy, you bleed/allow more cable to ease the action phase of the lever. No one needs ultra snappy breaks unless they’re doing trials.


thedugsdanglies t1_iu5p158 wrote

Bro I used to be in the British bmx racing championship and skived school in a bike shop every day I custom built my dh bike myself it's a full carbon, air suspension, roadie beating 30 gear bad motherfucker and I like my brakes to be instant to within 10mm of a hard pull if I pull gently the brakes will be gentle but I don't have them flopping about like an old whores piss flaps


P_ZERO_ t1_iu5p4pc wrote

If you like ultra snappy brakes then there’s no issue?

As I said, brake pressure is entirely within your control.


trevordbs t1_iu4dnqj wrote

Thank you for posting this. I seriously thought this was saying foot brakes. So I kept think how the hell does a bike work in England. Peddling backwards to go forwards. My hung over brain wasn’t working


Stachemaster86 t1_iu4d8hj wrote

Sounds blood terrible. Glad you’re okay. I, as an American was dumb going down some steps (railroad tie height with 10’ landings) and only used the front when I went down, learned real quick what a pivot point was.


CliplessWingtips t1_iu5m3pb wrote

I've been front brake only for years and have never gone over my handlebars. I'm not sure what I am doing differently.


BKStephens t1_iu385gp wrote

Australia too.

Left hand for rear.


howmanyowls t1_iu3bpz1 wrote

Ah, then it must be to do with the side of the road we drive/cycle on.


BKStephens t1_iu41rig wrote

Quite probably.

Back brake hand always on the bars leaves roadside hand free for signalling.


wedontlikespaces t1_iu4z3b8 wrote

That makes sense. Same reason that in the UK we drive on the left.

Back in the days when people rode horses a lot that used to leave your sword arm (right-handed for the vast majority of the population) free. Your vulnerable left side was protected by the verge.

In Europe and the US they just got stabbed a lot


platitood t1_iu5qr85 wrote

Buckler on the left.

There’s a reason that many castle entrances are set up to force you to lead with your sword arm. Because that’s less safe than being able to lead with your shield arm and keep your sword arm free for stepping back at somebody.


tullystenders t1_iu6sb4e wrote

Im calling you out, you most likely got that from wikipedia, but you explained it as if you didnt.


dxin t1_iu43xa3 wrote

Very strangely China also has it on the left.


JoshwaarBee t1_iu49kag wrote

It would make sense for Hong Kong, being a colony, but idk about China


emu_swimmer t1_iu4lrlk wrote

What side is throttle on for motorcycling? It makes sense here because front brake is on throttle side (right) and clutch left. Which means we wouldn’t have to switch habits going from bicycle to motorcycle.


-DethLok- t1_iu4muen wrote

I was wondering when someone would mention this.

Every motorbike I've owned or ridden has throttle and front brake on the right.

The clutch (or rear brake if automatic clutch) is on the left.

I have a tendency, since my driveway slopes down to the road, to test my bike brakes before getting onto the bike to ensure that each works and that I've drilled it into muscle memory which lever is which - odd - as I've never ridden a bike with 'reversed' brakes but I do it anyway, it can't hurt.


Merengues_1945 t1_iu4tm5q wrote

I used to live in the top of a steep af slope, so I always brake test before, several of my neighbours have been in accidents cos of brake issues during rainy or cold days.

On my bicycle I always drove with rear always pulled all the way and even then it was kinda like "Jezus, don't let me die, pls!"


apawst8 t1_iu5lxrd wrote

I distinctly remember a Happy Days episode where Fonzie was on the jury and voted to acquit the defendant because the defendant was riding a motorcycle with the throttle on the "wrong" side. (The defendant was accused of doing something with his left hand, which he couldn't have done because the throttle of this particular motorcycle was on the left).

That's literally the only Happy Days plot I remember, and I don't know why.


shewy92 t1_iu5cbjj wrote

I'd imagine gas and brakes are the same. They don't change, just like car gas and brakes don't.


zwergschnauzer t1_iu3hae9 wrote

Same in NZ. Discovered that when I applied what I thought was the rear brake and went ass over teacup over the handlebars.


Stachemaster86 t1_iu4dc2s wrote

I’ve always hear it’s ass over tea kettle (upper central US). Is that different too!?


Osimadius t1_iu4e1ev wrote

Many regional variations, arse over tit is the first one that comes to mind for me in the UK


GaijinFoot t1_iu4q8lv wrote

Arse over tit is the tea version. As in, your arse is literally going over the height of your tits. Tea pot is just the PG version


Fxate t1_iu4v0sg wrote

>Tea pot is just the PG version

Is there a Yorkshire, Tetley, or Earl Grey version?


jimmusbobbus t1_iu7dw69 wrote

I've always said "arse over tit", but after this wonderful comment introducing me to "arse over teacup", I shall be using this henceforth. Thank you sir for making me chuckle with your wonderful idiom.


ramriot t1_iu415xj wrote

Why would anyone expect different. From what I understand this is to allow the rider to make hand signals with lower risk & is thus dependant upon which side of road is correct in the country.


clegane t1_iu4mdt6 wrote

On motorcycles, the front brake is on the throttle hand (right). After riding a motorcycle for years, I found the mixup to be annoying enough to switch the brakes on my bicycle ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


ramriot t1_iu5jngf wrote

If in your country you are riding bicycles on the right then having the REAR brake on that side would I think still allow you to use breaking while indicating a maneuver across traffic.

If though you switch them then you would end up applying the front break in such a situation, which considering you would only have one hand on the handlebars could prove "unhelpful".

For motorcycles with turn signals it's not a problem, other than I suppose keeping the clutch & throttle opposite each other.


clegane t1_iu6qbzy wrote

I mean, I get it, but I don’t ride my bike on the street. I just prefer them switched after spending a lot of time on motorcycles.


SoItWasYouAllAlong t1_iua57gx wrote

Yup. People who consider the rear brake to be the main one, obviously ride on roads only. And likely on dry, even roads.

Where bicycle braking becomes interesting, is steep downhill, on low-traction surface. 80%+ of the braking force comes from the front brake, and it's a balancing act better suited to one's dominant hand.

I live in the EU, and it always annoyed me that they default the front brake to the left handle. It's an accident waiting to happen, on a mountain bike with hydraulic brakes and soft front suspension.


xmastreee t1_iu47ykp wrote

Well I was told you make hand signals with either hand. So which side of the road you're on is irrelevant.

The front brake should be on the right. It's the more important one because you can actually stop with it rather than just skidding. Sure, excessive force will put you over the handlebars, but that's why you need your dominant (most people are right handed) hand to get the fine control required.

And look at motor scooters. Not bikes, automatic scooters with no foot controls and only levers. The front brake is always on the right wherever they are in the world. Why should it be different for bicycles?


ramriot t1_iu4bx89 wrote

I agree partly, but there is a ton of subtlety about signalling a move out into traffic should leave a hand for the rear brake. Here is a good answer to that issue from Quora.

I can't speak to scooters if you mean the modern uprated kids toy device, but for mopeds which were also called motor scooters in the UK the brake layout seems to have settled down internationally to I think rear on left, front on right. But since almost all of these today have turn signals that can be operated by the thumb there is no need to hand signals, see above.


xmastreee t1_iu8qn0h wrote

Yeah, scooters like mopeds, but also larger ones. Anything twist and go basically, with no foot controls.


sluggo5622 t1_iu3q10g wrote

Because us and Europe are stupid...what side is the front brake on all motorcycles..? Why change it for a bicycle? It is that simple.


tetoffens t1_iu4678f wrote

I'd assume most people learn to ride a bike like at least a decade before a motorcycle. So I don't see why bikes should switch. And bikes came first.

It's for signaling on different sides of the road. Motorcycles have signals so hand signaling isn't needed.


sluggo5622 t1_iu49b9n wrote

The front brake does 75% of your shopping, I prefer to have that under my Smarter, and more dexterous right hand..allowing my left hand to be used to sign, as we ride on the right..and hand signals are required for your motorcycle road test.


sluggo5622 t1_iu49opr wrote

And then when they do ride a motorcycle, the first instinct isn't to grab a handful of front brake, when you get into a quick stop situation.


glacierre2 t1_iu53fls wrote

The 99% of your braking is not emergency braking where you have to care about which brake is more powerful, you are driving on a public road not on a trail race.


sluggo5622 t1_iu5c2u8 wrote

Talk to your local motorcycle safety foundation coach or instructor. You are 100% wrong.


glacierre2 t1_iu5c822 wrote

For riding a bicycle? Seriously...


sluggo5622 t1_iu5dat3 wrote

Either way your front brake is 75% of your stopping power.


realraygunsforsale t1_iu42rpl wrote

That’s what I wanted to know.. I understand RHD vs LHD cars in those regions but motorcycles have their brakes (both foot and hand) brake on the right side of the bike, and their clutch and gear shifter on the left.


-DethLok- t1_iu4n6mr wrote

Some older (like '70s and earlier) bikes from Europe vary on that, and kickstarter positions vary as well. But I agree that every new bike I've seen this century has that setup.


realraygunsforsale t1_iu4qmug wrote

Do they ever vary front lever always being front brake and the back brake is the foot?


-DethLok- t1_iu7cszt wrote

Not to my knowledge, but who knows about some odd motorbikes?


GaijinFoot t1_iu4qe1y wrote

It's slightly less relevant though. You'll have to try pretty hard to go over the handlebars using the front brake on a motorbike, like lean into it.


sluggo5622 t1_iu4rmh5 wrote

Correct, the low side is the most common. Handful, pavement..results are the same.


offeringathought t1_iu452f5 wrote

Is this so you can use the rear brake with one hand while signaling with the other, appropriate-for-the-side-of-the-street-you're-on hand


pickleer t1_iu3qe0z wrote

Same as the side of the road they drive on, so Japan is likely the same? I've looked it up but it's not weird, just how folks used to steer their wagons behind the horses, based on their view of the middle and sides of the road.


jjshein t1_iu3xrgk wrote

Yep. Rented a bike in Kyoto for a self-guided tour, brakes were reversed.


GaijinFoot t1_iu4r028 wrote

Brakes were reversed as in not regular Japanese style?


jjshein t1_iu5iejj wrote

Don’t know what “regular” would be in Japan, but left brake was rear, right was front. Fortunately, neither worked very well preventing me from going OTB.


pickleer t1_iu661sg wrote

UGH! I've gone over the bars so many times now that I get a time dilation and have a bit of time to look around before tucking and rolling. Untortunately, it's always my left shoulder, so that one rides higher now from all the trauma!! Roll on!


AtomicBlueElephant t1_iu4j5l3 wrote

Does anyone else remember that episode of Happy Days when Fonzie had to go to jury duty and was able to figure out that the guy didn't steal a purse because the brakes on the British motorcycle were reversed?

Fonzie is the hero we need.


chasg t1_iu8d1vc wrote

Almost got killed because of this. Bought a bike when I was living in london (having moved from Canada). I got the mechanic to swap the brakes, so it was my “normal” right-hand-rear-brake (I knew that, if I left it the UK way, I’d inevitably flip over by instinctively jamming on the front break someday). A couple years later I needed the drive train replaced. Dozy mechanic noticed that my brakes were switched, so, without telling anyone, he switched them back to UK standard. I picked up my bike and started cycling home. A car pulled out of parking and I had to jam on the back brake (which was now the front brake), flipped right over and fell in front of an oncoming car. Lucky for me they stopped in time. Went right back to the store and had the brakes switched back (they wanted to charge me, ffs).


hamster_savant t1_iu33jp9 wrote

Front brakes


xentralesque t1_iu33uxs wrote

And back. There's two brakes, front and back, controlled by either left or right levers.


hamster_savant t1_iu34q98 wrote

I meant the article is talking about front handbrakes, rather than rear foot brakes.


Targettio t1_iu3afnu wrote

Foot brake on a bicycle?


orbitalinterceptor t1_iu3awv8 wrote

My first Huffey had coaster brakes that engaged when you pushed back. Such great skids!


ash_274 t1_iu47zye wrote

Coaster brakes. You pedal backwards for only about 1/8 of a rotation before it applies

My first bike as a kid had those


xentralesque t1_iu41afa wrote

Most adult bikes don't use footbrakes


snow_michael t1_iu4fjei wrote

They do in Germany, where I first encountered them

And my gf reading over my shoulder says they do in Czech Republic


GaijinFoot t1_iu4qx2k wrote

You mean fixie bikes? They were a fad and I think mostly banned now


snow_michael t1_iu59vgf wrote

I was introduced to them in Bavaria, and at least one family I know still has them


Autismic123 t1_iu3hsfv wrote

That’s how one of my friends broke an arm, had a European bike and used the other type, went over the hangers


teh_maxh t1_iu4ebpd wrote

It's pretty easy to swap, though.


HandsomeHeathen t1_iu4jm0t wrote

I'm from the UK but lived in America for a couple of years as a kid. My dad switched the brake levers on the bike he bought me while we were over there so I wouldn't have to re-learn which brake was which.


InsuranceToTheRescue t1_iu5aiqx wrote

Similarly, I've got a friend in the USAF that gets deployed to Japan and England occasionally. When driving, the levers on the steering column are switched. So a bunch of Americans that aren't used to it will often flip the wipers on when they're trying to signal a turn. I think locals call it the Western Wave or American Wave or something.


ItDoesntMatter59 t1_iu5k36l wrote

But hang on. The British way is the same as any motorcycle- front brake on the right


CliplessWingtips t1_iu5lvhn wrote

If I am riding one handed, it feels more natural to me using the left hand. That's where my front brake is located so it works for me.


series_hybrid t1_iu5n470 wrote

Either way, practice to be safe in a sudden emergency.

I also ride motorcycles, so the right hand is front brake, right foot is rear brake.

Left hand clutch, and left foot shifter.

I prefer my bicycle brakes to be right hand front. Just a preference...


Ok_Sentence9934 t1_iu5um9r wrote

Drives me fucking nuts. Makes literally no sense.


ShadyMyLady t1_iu5xcel wrote

You have to keep the lever squeezed until you want to stop, just don't lose your grip.


Psychonauticalia t1_iu60jqn wrote

It's completely up to the rider how their brakes are oriented.


Future_engineer20 t1_iu6p505 wrote

I just learned this last week listening to a podcast from about a year or two ago


canuckhere t1_iu7apef wrote

Bought a Mercedes EBike which are configured for Europe in-terms of brake location which the opposite of Canada. As an avid biker I know at some point I’m going mess up big time!


Smooth-Poem9415 t1_iuaj3v1 wrote

And in its colonies as well. Also road driving is opposite


Phantom_Dave t1_iu3k87h wrote

Interesting they consider the front brake to be the primary due to pulling the rear one too hard can make you skid, having pulled the front one too hard downhill and been sent flying over the handle bars, I think I'd rather skid!


ItDoesntMatter59 t1_iu5kg4b wrote

Front is more effective as its where the load goes. But you need both and get the balance right


lastingd t1_iu4oquj wrote

Not just the brakes, the chain and gears as well.

We're developing an e-bike, we found this out recently. The language in that meeting would have shocked your mother.


knoxknifebroker t1_iu5cwif wrote

As an American Id say Europe got it correct, that way bike and motorcycle front brakes match!


ItDoesntMatter59 t1_iu5kvei wrote

No. The thread is saying Europe and America are one way and British “empire” countries are like mcycles


[deleted] t1_iu4ug8x wrote



Neither_Country_7510 t1_iu52v19 wrote

Not just UK but anyways driving in the left has been proven far safer so it was all the other countries being contrarian to UK, Japan and the commonwealth


clinkzs t1_iu4e6pj wrote

Brittish ppl keep making this weird things just to differentiate themselves from the Perfectly Splendid American stuff


snow_michael t1_iu4h4xy wrote

You switched your two nationalities there, my good man/woman/person/thing/small furry creature from Alpha Centauri


clinkzs t1_iu4hdvt wrote

The problem with irony is that when other people dont get it, you're the stupid one.


snow_michael t1_iu4hup9 wrote

The other problem with irony is it comes across poorly in a written medium, especially to those of us who can't spot non-verbal clues :)


tullystenders t1_iu6t7s3 wrote

You realize that u/clinkzs is correct, right? (I'm not saying that america is splendid). A lot of things historically, especially when it comes to language, went precisely like this:

Step 1: Britain does something

Step 2: America, naturally cause of its English language connection or before america existed, does it too.

Step 3: Britain changes it

Step 4: America doesnt change it


JJisTheDarkOne t1_iu4jzpd wrote

Wait? What?

Rear break is always on the left!

Left = Rear Brake = Stop

Right = Front Brake = Over the Handlebars you go!

Left + Right = carefully slow faster.


gribson t1_iu4njce wrote

Neither US nor UK placement makes any sense. I live in Canada and built my bike with RH = rear brake, which I think is the norm here. We ride on the right side of the road, so this way I can simultaneously signal with my left hand and brake with my right.

Edit: NVM, for some reason I thought the US was RH = front brake. This makes more sense now.


BTCisDeadAF t1_iu3w3un wrote

They start out in the braked position and then you hold down the handle to start going? Like a deadman switch. Is that to prevent runaway bicycles? Is there a problem there with that in the UK? Runaway bikes?


ElfMage83 t1_iu3uu4h wrote

UK contrarianism strikes again!


GaijinFoot t1_iu4r8on wrote

What brake is your motorbikes on?


ItDoesntMatter59 t1_iu5kmud wrote

All motorbikes are on the right for front brakes- which makes this discussion weird.

Why isnt the rest of the world complaining that motorcycles are different?


team_trauma t1_iu46tpq wrote

Is this really til material?


jimmusbobbus t1_iu7d4iv wrote

Well yeah. I didn't know it, neither did OP. He learnt it today, so now I know it too. TIL. Interesting post. 8/10, would learn about bikes again.


ctiger12 t1_iu487h8 wrote

They also drive on the wrong side of the road, so what?


snow_michael t1_iu4gxll wrote

The UK, as well as all other LHD countries, put safety first

It's been shown repeatedly that when driving a car the 'off' hand should be the one for gear changes, fiddling with indicators and radio etc. while the hand that has better control grips the wheel

For most people, that's the right hand

Hence the safer way is to drive on the left


deepoctarine t1_iu359lo wrote

One of the few examples of UK being correct where Europe got it wrong, people are predominantly right handed, you need to pull harder on the front brake, so the right brake lever should operate the front brake, it also matches nearly every motorcycle in the world.


Zelensexual t1_iu3h8r1 wrote

Hell no. The right brake is the main one you use. You have to be much more careful and lighter with the front brake, otherwise you'll go flying.


neongecko12 t1_iu3jobk wrote

About 70% of the stopping power comes from the front brake. It's why higher end bikes generally use bigger front rotors compared with the back. Same thing with motorbikes, they usually use a pair of large front disks.

The rear brake really only slows you down, it's the front brake that stops you. You just need to shift your weight back as you stop, otherwise you will fly off the front, it's a simple fact of physics.


GaijinFoot t1_iu4rgro wrote

I'm a decently well seasoned cyclist but no, you do not smash the front brake, you will go flying. It stops you faster but you don't want it to lock up. Your stat is more relevant to motorbikes, not bicycles


teh_maxh t1_iu4enn1 wrote

> You have to be much more careful and lighter with the front brake

Which is why — assuming you're right-handed — it should be on the right.


[deleted] t1_iu3mcnk wrote



deepoctarine t1_iu3qvi8 wrote

Everything to do with handedness then, we drive on the left because we rode horses on the left because the people who rode horses also wore swords which are worn on the left so it can be drawn by the right hand which is the dominant hand in humans and that would be the side you want any oncoming person to be on. It is also easier to mount and dismount a horse to the left when you are wearing a sword, and you want to be on the "pavement" side of the horse not the "road" side when doing so. TL:DR you ride/drive on the wrong side of the road too.


snow_michael t1_iu4g7b4 wrote

It's also been shown repeatedly that the 'off' hand should be the one for gear changes, fiddling with indicators and radio etc. while the hand that has better control grips the wheel

For most people, that's the right hand

Hence the safer way is to drive on the left


r4tch3t_ t1_iu45lhs wrote

While correct for the UK you aren't thinking past that and assuming any other way is incorrect.

The reason driving on the right hand side of the road became popular in America is similar to left hand drive in the UK.

When the Americas were being colonised wagons and carriages were use extensively for shipping and transport. These had multiple horses to draw them. With the right hand being dominant it was benificial for the driver to be on the left of the wagon so his right arm was in the centre to control the animals. Because of this it was easier to see the road if you were on the right as it put the driver closer to the centre of the road. Therefore the roads and facilities were constructed to accommodate this.


agolf_twitler_ t1_iu3cb4m wrote

>One of the few examples of UK being correct where Europe got it wrong, people are predominantly right handed, you need to pull harder on the front brake

Im sure some bike accident statistics analysis should be out there to prove this hypothesis.


[deleted] t1_iu3fwmd wrote



deepoctarine t1_iu3k29m wrote

Hence "nearly", I am fully aware there are some exceptions, especially with older motorcycles, some only have one brake, and some had two on the same wheel!


Merengues_1945 t1_iu4ycwi wrote

Bicycles predate motorcycles by a long while... and the reasoning is so that you can do hand signalling with the hand opposite to the side where you drive.


Desperate-Face-6594 t1_iu39vcy wrote

Nah, if you need to break the front wheel hard you’ll go over the handle bars and into incoming traffic. A back break results in a skid that can, to a degree, be controlled or more safely dismounted from.


AtebYngNghymraeg t1_iu3bkvq wrote

Brake. Not break.


BobbyP27 t1_iu3z85d wrote

The comment wasn't wrong, though. If you break the front wheel you will go over the handlebars.


snow_michael t1_iu4fozc wrote

Been there, done that, tree still bears the mark (mine healed)


dirtiehippie710 t1_iu3aqu0 wrote

Ya wtf who's instinct tells then to lock up the front brake?!? Learned this the hard way as a kid lol


Desperate-Face-6594 t1_iu3avhv wrote

It’s breaks at the same time is best but always work the back break harder. It’s more than science, it’s common sense.


Greeboth t1_iu3i6jr wrote

Common sense maybe but it’s not science. Predominately using the rear is certain safer and too much front brake will result in going over the bars. But to stop the quickest, you need to use the front brake more as weight transfer forward means the front wheel can withstand more brake pressure before locking up than the rear. This is exactly the same on motorcycles and cars for the same reason - Physics.


Viper_JB t1_iu4h0cu wrote

Apart from the going over the bars thing from a mountain biking perspective if you lock up the front wheel you have no control over the bike anymore, you can afford to lock up the back wheel though and still maintain control over the bike, same reason why generally you will run a more aggressive tyre on the front of a mtb.


willie_caine t1_iu3gq1a wrote

>It’s more than science, it’s common sense.

Wow :)


Desperate-Face-6594 t1_iu3gty0 wrote

As in kids know this through lived experience, they don’t need science lessons to know this.


willie_caine t1_iu3u14e wrote

So when you said "science" you meant "science lessons". Gotcha.


deepoctarine t1_iu3d4ku wrote

That is why you are supposed to shift your weight backwards to reduce the chance of going over the bars. It is about how hard you have to squeeze to achieve a lock up and how much retardation that can be achieved before the wheel locks, not how controllable the bike is when it's locked up. A locked up wheel has less grip than a rolling wheel and gives less retardation. The fastest way to slow down is with the primary effort through the front wheel, end of story, the mass of rider and bike are thrown onto the front increasing the effective weight through the tyre onto the road and increasing the contact patch and therefore the grip. Watch some moto gp or superbikes, they brake into corners with their rear wheel off the ground and that must be the fastest way to slow down otherwise they wouldn't be doing it and they are operating under the same laws of physics as everyone else.


Character_Past5515 t1_iu3mpwv wrote

But you use your right hand more because of the rear derailleur so the left hand can focus on the braking and because it will have less to do will be less tired.


deepoctarine t1_iu3q093 wrote

Rule #5


Character_Past5515 t1_iu3s9mz wrote

No, it's not only to hard its also annoying, it's just good that one hand can focus on the braking and one on the gear shifting, heck why has every single 1x the shifters on the right side?!


Heres_your_sign t1_iu3af2s wrote

Because I want my front wheel brake controlled by my much stronger dominant hand. What could go wrong with that?


AtebYngNghymraeg t1_iu3bjnv wrote

Nothing, if you're an adult capable of applying only necessary force. In fact, as most people are better at fine motor control with their dominant hand, this should be safer than the alternative.


maninhat77 t1_iu3il7o wrote

Do you only have an on and off switch on your dominant hand? 🙂


GaijinFoot t1_iu4rlc0 wrote

Are you some kind of idiot Hulk who can't pick up a flower without crushing it in your grip? Wouldn't the more dexterity be useful?