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shallowblue t1_ir8yh9v wrote

The number (and quality) of convenience stores in Japan really surprised me - over there they aren't just a place to get a donut and coke at 3am waiting for a cab, but the main shop you go to every day.


iwanttobeacavediver t1_ir9hexr wrote

I'm not in Japan but another Asian country and here the convenience stores are always busy. Among other things they allow you to purchase instant noodles or things like hotdogs or fried chicken and then there is a seating area to eat them in. They even provide chopsticks and hot water for the noodles. Result is that late at night or at lunch times they're crammed with people.


bigbossfearless t1_irakg0v wrote

I've been to a lot of local convenience stores in my travels throughout Asia and the Pacific, and man they are on a whole other level compared to ours in the west. Sushi, onigiri, hot ramen, buns and bao and dumplings, roasted pork and duck and chicken skewers, just all kinds of great stuff. It's no wonder Asian countries have lower obesity rates, there's quality food available when you need it instead of donuts and chicken wings.


Nathan-Wind t1_ir8z76n wrote

Unreal fried chicken at Lawsons. Even the 7-11s in Japan are quality.


[deleted] t1_ir9rpne wrote

I accidentally left a single yen on the counter of a 7-11 in Kumamoto once. I had walked up there and was about 2 blocks away when I heard someone trying to get my attention. The guy left people unattended in the store and ran after me to return a fraction of a penny.


gramathy t1_irl47jm wrote

1 ¥ is about a penny, not exactly a “fraction” as if it were half or less


[deleted] t1_irmkkys wrote

1 yen is .0069 of a U.S. dollar right now. 69% of a penny. Hence fraction.


VerboseProclivity t1_irbcd18 wrote

And 7-11 is a Japanese company now, owned by Seven & i Holdings of Tokyo.


Unfair_External8332 t1_ir8sd1y wrote

Lawson egg salad Sandwiches. I was in a food Mecca in Japan and still ate tons of those


seanular t1_ir8z2ln wrote

The karaage with rice... red fried chicken and cheese... milk tea... chu hai. Fuck I want to go back


typhoidtimmy t1_ir90m05 wrote

Christ, I remember being in Osaka for work and my pal dragging me to one after a bar hop and telling me to trust him. Dude wasn’t wrong, easily some of the best convenience food….whoever makes their karraage must sprinkle crack in it because I wanted nothing but it for the next week.

Japan is strange….I also remember grabbing a Big Mac combo there and marveling at two things 1) The McDonalds were like medically clean…bright smiles, cute girls working the register - different enough I was waiting for someone to hop out and start filming a commercial. 2) The combo looked like the picture. No joke, it was hot and tasty and could have been a photo to advertise for it.

My friends always gave me funny looks when I tell them to go into one if they go over there….then come back and wish we had that level over in the States.


iwanttobeacavediver t1_ir9hadq wrote

Ages ago there was a story about a man going to a Japanese Starbucks. He ordered a drink, and the general manager came over to apologize personally that it didn't exactly match the picture he'd seen because they had run out of the sauce. He genuinely got baffled by this as he probably wouldn't have known.


pipboy_warrior t1_ir9w6em wrote

Ah man, I have so many good Osaka memories. Sometimes when I'd be doing bar crawls with friends we'd end up just heading to a Lawson's and loading up on snacks and alcohol, and then we'd chill by the Dotonbori.

But yeah, convenience stores and fast food restaurants are such an experience there. They're always clean and bright and the people working are so cheerful.


seanular t1_ir91sso wrote

Crack in the chicken? Maybe. But definitely in the McDonald's fries lol. I can't go anymore, I got used to a certain standard lol


sillyintellectual61 t1_ir9etzk wrote

Anthony Bourdain of all people was obsessed with Lawson's egg salad sandwiches. There's an outtake from Parts Unknown where he throws a fit when his crew can't find them.


Ylaaly t1_ir9dqsv wrote

Conbini food is just on another level compared to convenience food in... everywhere else.


Gorf_the_Magnificent t1_ir9qa0i wrote

I grew up in Ohio and still miss Lawson’s.

Here’s a memorable commercial from the 1970’s that makes their orange juice truckers seem like heroic first responders:

P.S. Oops, I just noticed that the commercial is linked in the article. Oh well, I’m keeping it here anyway. It’s the first thing old Ohioans think of when they hear “Lawson’s.”


ANiceDent t1_ir9yu5g wrote

Thanks for making me feel old!

Shouts out from CLE man


sjfraley1975 t1_irc9woa wrote

Akron checking in. Finding out that Lawson's chip dip can be found at Ohio Circle-Ks was a joyous moment for me.


slow_work_day t1_irre0kv wrote

yeah the chip dip is the first thing i think of when i hear lawsons


Vepyr646 t1_irakhke wrote

Y-town chiming in. Can't eat any other chip dip. Lawson's and Isaly's are mainstays in my house.


THENTHEHENHE t1_ir904o3 wrote

My hometown had Lawsons back in the early 80's...I used to buy chewing tobacco, "Swisher Sweet" cigars, Playboy and Hustler there. I was 12 years old.


Steffie767 t1_irar3wz wrote

My grandmother would only drink their Half n Half. Can't tell you how many times I walked from Archmere past Brookpark Rd to the Lawson's in Parma. All weather, all times. I was 12-13 years old.


Inkorga t1_irb010y wrote

“The Japanese can do what we can but better” started early but became discourse around Honda Civic in the 70’s and continued to electronics. These saved many people and businesses from the oil crisis, but people resented not being #1 because of it, and it fuelled use of slurs and racism against us Japanese.


thalmane85 t1_ir9jph7 wrote

Damn. They did better with Lawson's and 7-11. Convenience stores are strong in Japan.


Wandos7 t1_irb40rq wrote

The ones in Hawaii are definitely there to cater to Japanese tourists, nothing like the old Ohio ones.


ClancyHabbard t1_ircjcir wrote

Are there ones in Hawaii? Honestly, that's a relief to me. My husband is Japanese and wants to visit the US, mainly Hawaii, and I was worried about the culture/food shock. He really doesn't do western style food well unless it's very Japanese style western food. I wasn't going to look forward to a week with him complaining about how everything lacked 'consume flavor', or no seaweed options.


Wandos7 t1_ircklmi wrote

If you go to Oahu and stay in Waikiki, he should be very comfortable. You can probably go the whole week only eating Japanese or Japanese-style food if you want there, though I would encourage you to have him try other stuff, too.


ClancyHabbard t1_ircnrug wrote

Oh, we most definitely will be trying other foods, because there's no way I'm going all the way to Hawaii and not eating American food (I'm American and it's been nearly a decade since I've been home, I'm homesick for American food at this point), but him being comfortable is also important. We plan to also visit some relatives in Seattle, but I know where to get food that will make him happy there.


arothmanmusic t1_ira7rpz wrote

We used to get Lawson’s milk here in Cleveland when I was a kid.


Feelnumb t1_iraczn0 wrote

I bought a great pair of socks from a combini in Japan and I lost them and I’m so upset.


NinDiGu t1_irazbqj wrote

7-11 is now also owned by a Japanese company as well.


TheRealBobbyC t1_irhduks wrote

ROLL ON BIG O! Get that juice up to Lawson’s in forty hours.