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marmorset t1_ira1oqb wrote

Maybe for that particular order, but for Catholic nuns in general it's about five years. My daughter goes to Catholic school and two of the nuns are in their early twenties.


bit_pusher t1_irabfd9 wrote

This is highly dependent on the order. For Benedictines I believe it is 5-9 years (postulancy, novitiate, and first monastic profession).


marmorset t1_irac9va wrote

I knew a guy who used to be a monk. He had to take a vow of silence but every five years he could speak to the bishop. After the first five years he said, "The bed is hard." Five years later he said, "The food is cold."

On his fifteenth anniversary he said, "I quit."

The bishop said, "That's not surprising, you'd done nothing but complain since you got here."