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PVDeviant- t1_iu218dw wrote

>Other rumours about Dippel appear to be modern inventions, too. For example, that which said he performed experiments with cadavers, in which he attempted to transfer the soul of one cadaver into another. Soul-transference with cadavers was a common experiment among alchemists at the time and was a theory that Dippel supported in his writings, thus making it possible that Dippel pursued similar objectives,[4] but there is no direct evidence to link him to these specific acts. There is also no evidence to the rumour that he was driven out of town when word of his activities reached the ears of the townspeople — though he was often banned from countries, notably Sweden and Russia, for his controversial theological positions. He also eventually had to flee to Giessen after killing a man in a duel

Sez Wikipedia.


ChrisVonae t1_iu228lf wrote

Swedenborg made reference to Dippel's 'heinous' experiments, and strange practices in addition to their fued over religious ideology - although he never explicitly mentioned what those were.. using cadavers was common place at the time, so it must have been something more substantial to warrant the reaction.

But equally legends and myths all evolve over time, often from a foundation of truth. The Bible/Jesus is an example of this.. people add (and alter) the stories over time and add new bits. So modern additions based more on rumour than fact are to be expected.