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Sly1969 t1_irdkp6y wrote

TIL the Internet is deficient in iodine.


madnessmaka t1_irdl1bk wrote

Probably from all the salt being thrown around in games. They need to keep that salt in them, not just waste it like that.


SheeEttin t1_irejphu wrote

Maybe they should switch to iodized salt.


ACorania t1_irdl6it wrote

We ate a lot of paint chips as kids.


opiate_lifer t1_irdqucs wrote

Leaded gasoline contaminated absolutely everything with lead, obviously worse the closer you were to constant car exhaust.

But it gets in the soil, comes down in rain, washes into rivers, etc etc


zoicyte t1_iren3n0 wrote

you can trace the rise and drop of the crime rate with the rise and drop of lead in gasoline - there's about a 20 year offset but the graphs are perfectly matched up.


UnblurredLines t1_irfpl9g wrote

Doesn't freakonomics make the claim that post Roe v Wade abortion increases also line up with the decrease in crime, albeit laggingly?


zoicyte t1_irgfk8n wrote

I’ve never heard that, like ever. Also the leaded gasoline thing crosses borders.


joey2scoops t1_ire64mo wrote

That was the only chips we had and we were thankful to have that.


Mookie_Merkk t1_irei6hs wrote

The IQ for the of the thing the the the

I got lost in that title
