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PurgeGamers t1_irfbmsl wrote

I read a book about cooking and they recommended non-iodized salt because of taste preference. It said that the iodine(?) wasn't as neglected in our diets now but it's a holdover from when it was lacking.


UnblurredLines t1_irfpfwm wrote

I too much prefer listening to chefs for my dietary recommendations rather than licensed physicians.


rafter613 t1_irgky5u wrote

I mean, I'm sure you get a week's worth of iodized salt from three McDonald's fries.


sturmey t1_irij4v6 wrote

I am a super taster, and I can't tell the difference in taste. you would have to have some very specialized taste buds to detect the difference. One of the things that these idiots don't realize is that the iodine isn't neglected in our diet because we put iodine into salt.