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Swellmeister t1_irhdwii wrote

Cuz it happened 40 years ago, the man was the getaway driver. Punative jail is not a functional system, but despite that the man has done good while in prison.


Pathetian t1_irhiapg wrote

"I'm not a monster, I just help terrorists get from point A to point B"


mrocks301 t1_irjbnfe wrote

Keeping terrorists from being in public is a great use of prison. I couldn’t give less of a fuck what’s happened after they end up in prison they were radicalized and it can happen again if released.


lapsangsouchogn t1_iria6l1 wrote

Because his son grew up to be politically connected

EDIT: for those who don't like the source, here's the NY Times article.

Here's CBS

I'll let you look up the dozens of other articles on your own.

> Chesa Boudin was 14 months old when his parents were arrested over the Brinks robbery. He was raised by Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground founder who worked closely with Barack Obama. After graduating from Yale University, Boudin served as a translator for Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. He worked as a public defender before his election to San Francisco district attorney.

> Chesa Boudin lobbied Cuomo last year to grant clemency to his father, saying he hoped the governor "will show courage and mercy."

> Boudin said on Monday that his "heart is bursting" from Cuomo’s decision. Boudin is part of a wave of left-wing prosecutors who swept into local office in recent years promising criminal justice reform. He has come under fire for releasing inmates and deferring prosecution for a variety of lower-level crimes. His critics have blamed the policies for a crime surge in the Bay Area.


kronicfeld t1_irio9rk wrote

LOL Ayers never “worked closely with” Obama. They overlapped on a board of directors that met quarterly.


VentureQuotes t1_iritrjl wrote

Don’t quote from the Washington free beacon, it is a complete rag


kieran3434 t1_irjwmih wrote

Always a sign of intelligence to blame the messenger and not the message. Go read about it in The NY Times if that’s better for you.


shinra528 t1_irl4vqn wrote

Funny how neither of the non-rags you linked mentions a tie between Obama and Ayers.


kieran3434 t1_irlby10 wrote

Yeah, weird that a liberal outlet wouldn’t publicize that, isn’t it? 🙄. Go do some research on Ayers and Obama and make a decision for yourself.


shinra528 t1_irmjidq wrote

I did back in 2008 and came to the same conclusion you did… by willfully ignoring all the evidence, reporting, and fact checking showing that the relationship was exaggerated while dismissing the lack of real solid evidence on the part of my, at the time, trusted sources.

I’ve since done my research again, properly, and realized my conservative sources where full of shit not just on this but on most things.


MorbidAversion t1_iribfku wrote

Leftist elites are shockingly tolerant of terrorism so long as it supports their ideological cause. I mean right wingers do it too, don't get me wrong but if there was any confusion about one side having moral superiority... they don't.

Bernardine Dohrn is the clearest example of this. A bone fide terrorist who somehow got herself a teaching job at a top law school years later. For all the death and destruction that was directly tied to her, she somehow managed to get away serving just seven months in prison. Rather than treating her like the despicable criminal she is she just gets to live life as a normal, apparently respected member of elite society. They may not all be pedophiles or shape shifting lizard people as some conspiracy theorists claim, but the world's elites certainly are people with a fucked up moral compass.


meep6969 t1_irirguc wrote

The lefties bots are gonna come for you... 👀 Using the work "leftist" automatically tags you for some downvotes and people arguing nonsense bs with you.
