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guitarnoir t1_its78x8 wrote

> Some FDR are even designed to be ejected before crash.

I never heard this before--is a parachute system used post-ejection?


Akanan t1_its7l69 wrote

The aircraft I'm working on isn't an automatic system. It's manually by the Pilot.

It's a large foil that simply fly off and design to float and protect it's content if it lands on ground. It's not parachute but it's very light and large so it doesn't fall down like a rock.


guitarnoir t1_itsaefq wrote

> It's manually by the Pilot.

"Hey co-pilot, grab the 'Gonna Crash' checklist. What's it's say for Number 1?" "It says 'eject Flight Data Recorder' ". "Check".


Realistic-Astronaut7 t1_itse52i wrote

My first thought as well. They've certainly got a lot more to worry about/ do if they're ever in a situation where they might need that.