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rpaul9578 OP t1_iu2jit3 wrote

If I could post on billboards across the country the long term effects of sexual abuse on children to discourage even one person from doing so, I would.


InSearchOfGreenLight t1_iu3g0l9 wrote

I often wonder if there was like a required reading manual on all the horrible things that can happen to children that were sexually abused and they had to prove they had read over every word… I wonder if that would change anything.

It might if you are someone who was sexually abused and are thinking about doing it to someone else to somehow rid yourself of pain. I don’t understand how that works but I have heard that is a response some people have.

The people who are callous, probably nothing would make them care.

I dunno.

It’s hell.



rpaul9578 OP t1_iu4vo2h wrote

I agree that it might not stop people but we have to create awareness. We just have to.


RadTek88 t1_iu2jokb wrote

And that's fine, but posting that here isn't gonna have that effect.


rpaul9578 OP t1_iu2jxaf wrote

You never know who's reading. 🤷‍♀️


Sunnygurrl t1_iu3l0m5 wrote

Here's the thing, a person who commits sexual assault isn't going to magically stop because of a post. They're going to do it regardless. I know from experience. I begged and pleaded with my stepfather not to. Didn't do shit. Fuck this comment making you seem like some kind of good guy for dragging Chester and his past into your misguided white knight attempt.


rpaul9578 OP t1_iu4vsak wrote

I'm really sorry that this happened to you. It's so damaging. I agree that it might not do anything but the alternative is we don't create awareness and that's not going to help anything either.


Sunnygurrl t1_iu4w0fr wrote

Creating awareness is fine. Pretending this going stop a person from committing a crime is what I have an issue with.


rpaul9578 OP t1_iu4wfcq wrote

I'm not pretending that this is going to stop a person from committing a crime. I do believe that we don't talk enough in this country about the long-term effects of sexual abuse and we really need to. We need to share stories like this in order for people to see them who might be thinking about hurting a child. Who might be currently hurting a child. Thinking that it's not a big deal because they might not remember it or just not thinking through how this is going to affect them for the rest of their lives. These stories are important to share. It just might help somebody.


InSearchOfGreenLight t1_iuftd01 wrote

You have a point.

Maybe when I was 5 my father would have actually pondered it. Now he’s too far gone.

Maybe people wouldn’t judge fat people so much if they knew that eating disorders come out of extreme childhood abuse.