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ovationman t1_iub8be1 wrote

He predicted that ships at the time were unsafe not the sinking of titanic... "wherein a steamer collides with another ship, resulting in a high loss of life due to an insufficient ratio of lifeboats to passengers."


BiggsBounds t1_iubbga1 wrote

And yet he rode on them. Clearly wasn't overly concerned about it.


Gagarin1961 t1_iubzayp wrote

“Surely this one is so large that nothing could sink her…”


Bearddesirelibrarian t1_iucl8tq wrote

"And as the ship sunk down he thought, 'Well isn't this nice.'."


Beyond_Exitium t1_iuela73 wrote

Well to be fair if you have stuff to do or somewhere to be and ships are the only way to travel across the ocean then you normally find a way to move past your concerns.