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Kevin_Wolf t1_iufofoh wrote

Not really. They can doctor it up to make something kind of resembling chocolate, but it's like saying Nerds are a substitute for Sour Patch Kids. They're both sour candy, but that's about where the similarity ends.

You can't really use carob chips like you can use chocolate chips, and the taste is drier, and nuttier/earthier than chocolate. That's also not saying it's bad, it's just not chocolate.


Remarkable-Storm-738 t1_iugt1p2 wrote

I've tried cocoa beans before and they actually have a surprisingly nutty taste and texture, also pretty dry. Sounds similar to me lol


AmusingAnecdote t1_iugzj52 wrote

Carob tastes more like cocoa than it does like chocolate, but when you try and make it taste more like chocolate, it still tastes more like cocoa, it doesn't really get closer to tasting like chocolate when made into a bar or a chip or whatever. I agree with the people saying it isn't bad, it's frequently very good, but it doesn't taste like chocolate.


Alexstarfire t1_iuh1e7v wrote

Nerds are sour?