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Liesthroughisteeth t1_iugzimr wrote

Worked night shift at a large Canadian Grocery chain store from 11:00PM to 7:00AM. We had an electrical crew scheduled one night because they were having issue with the main power feed coming into the store.

As I pulled into the store parking lot it was black, no store lights no parking lot lights....nothing. I roll up and one of the guys I work with is being helped into the store. He had just been attacked by two guys as he was getting out of his car. They wanted the car and he didn't like that idea so they roughed him up some and pepper sprayed him right in the face and eyes. They didn't get the car though. :)

This was no coincidence this happened the only time this store and it's workers had been left outside in the dark. I had never ever seen any sign of or heard anything like this sort of thing at the store the in the 7 yeas I had been showing up there every night at 10:45 pm.

Shitheads love the dark. You want to keep shitheads away from your home, keep porch lights on, front and back and even better..... install motion sensor lights. :)